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[MED] DSH 624/07 Humidity test requirements

发表于 2012-9-19 15:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

6 `' R* `. Z2 |- V* s- _1 B
0 i0 x2 A' m( u  q* o) R
DSH 624/07/ {9 N3 \* x, B+ a% R7 M2 q
Humidity test requirements
7 z" ?, H2 J0 `( R  Y& q* d3 d
! l/ {; N% f7 ^1 @, V3 Z
60335-1(ed.4);am1;am2 & 61010-1(ed.2) & 60601-1(ed.3) & 60950-1(ed.2) & 60065(ed.7);am14 J, H" Z' y9 `4 h/ @5 I
' g: I( q9 A: i) }/ s
. s/ P) c6 J* c2 U2 j" N
Standard(s): IEC 60065/2001
; ?; C8 g" |/ M) l# K' fA1/2005) K2 a+ O7 f! t( f4 I
IEC 60950-1/2005
) \8 N& }5 B% }* t- ~, ~IEC 60601-1/2005
2 I2 T0 O, Q/ F5 KIEC 61010-1/2001
, T4 r5 w3 `5 u) d0 ZIEC 60335-1/20013 a; J6 ]( W1 c* X1 S7 T' r7 J% A3 l
A1/2004: [- C# v% |" W* H5 p2 p
' W9 o0 K8 Q1 o- N2 A' U# HSub clause(s): Various" K) |) C' Y! \5 j% A
Sheet N°: 624/07- L! U* e1 ?; f8 S  Q9 N) A" r6 @7 B
' c- C# [( r9 n0 e8 t6 tPage: 1(1)
2 s& X( Y5 {( f- x) Q8 iSubject(s): Humidity test% g: q& o; Z0 T' ~; y. [
3 P7 J4 U) T+ x5 z1 U# o1 KKey words:) r6 C2 g, M4 m0 D8 T5 u
- 93% RH
" x3 m. T' s3 o2 U8 f# O- +/-3% RH tolerance
8 A1 v2 w. K1 m  {' q- 20 – 30°C  A6 p; i! i) f8 Z) Z1 q8 ?
Meeting:' @" V5 S( N4 f! G' a/ u
Decision confirmed
2 b" ?5 a4 D/ xat 45th CTL meeting
" t/ ]  T- C9 y7 }0 X/ qQuestion: Various IEC standards have requirements for humidity/temperature+ }$ M1 P2 l' o+ [
conditioning, but have different specifications for the test conditions.# y) X( b2 ]1 |  p: P* {2 t
IEC 60065 – 93 +2%/-3% (t 30°C +0/-2°C)1 g) u. \# h6 ~' {
IEC 60950-1 – 91% - 95% (t 20-30°C +/-1°C)' j9 t/ @' G& Y; X* D: E
IEC 60601-1 – 93 + 3%/-3% (t 20-30°C)
2 M7 j) A/ y' @, U6 SIEC 61010-1 – 92,5 + 2,5%/-2,5% (t 40°C +/- 2°C)
4 h& m7 ?! H; R! c$ `' T4 }IEC 60335-1 – 93 + 3%/- 3% (t 20-30°C +/-1°C)- T& [1 Q$ E0 v6 m0 K" m& L- p( J7 W
There does not seem to be a technical justification for the differences in the; |" C+ h' s8 H& H. @/ k
specifications.+ Y. Q& {) y0 q& y/ ~* K
Accordingly, it is suggested and recommended that the humidity/temperature
9 y4 N" p! s: \$ t* zspecifications in the above standards be consistent.
7 G: @  e! U( g# W! YDecision: The chamber is to be set at 93% RH, with +/-3% RH tolerance, at a convenient
* {$ y- x  x* f) M* i! u& Y6 l. G. qtemperature between 20°C and 30°C, but the chosen temperature to be kept
" ^, e1 o* ]/ f3 {/ M2 f' h" g0 E+ ^$ x0 Mwithin +/- 2°C during the test.. F$ I6 y, t8 t; a7 |
The standard specifications for the humidity are to be met at the
/ Z2 m, Y' A( A9 Z; yreference/measuring point, where the controlling humidity sensor is located.3 _4 Z. n( U8 k
The tolerances permitted in CTL DSH 251A (+/-6% RH) are allowed in other
$ h! T0 g! O8 gparts of the humidity chamber, away from the reference point.
, B/ Q0 s  a6 d2 t/ k5 `/ d. j" n& H

7 z6 J( Z% R7 ?0 m* x( y

5 h( f0 H) i4 _6 F+ _* z( w* k


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