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[IEC标准产品] EN60335 or EN61029 有規定電器塑膠外殼所用材料的防火等級嗎?

发表于 2007-6-8 16:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
各位XDJM,請問EN60335 or EN61029 有規定電器塑膠外殼所用材料必須的防火等級嗎?
发表于 2007-6-8 17:10 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-6-8 18:26 | 显示全部楼层
引用第0楼eddy于2007-06-08 16:50发表的 EN60335 or EN61029 有規定電器塑膠外殼所用材料的防火等級嗎? :
+ z/ T$ i9 ~) ~* ?8 e8 x# O各位XDJM,請問EN60335 or EN61029 有規定電器塑膠外殼所用材料必須的防火等級嗎?
IEC 60335-1 30章 耐热和耐燃


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发表于 2007-6-9 09:57 | 显示全部楼层
引用第0楼eddy于2007-06-08 16:50发表的 EN60335 or EN61029 有規定電器塑膠外殼所用材料的防火等級嗎? :$ g) p6 _9 s- B5 e4 T
各位XDJM,請問EN60335 or EN61029 有規定電器塑膠外殼所用材料必須的防火等級嗎?
- @1 B0 n" O8 A

) p6 w8 J" f$ T对于EN 61029不熟,只说说EN 60335.
! v: }1 e+ D/ @# Z5 s: D* x! |$ f" E" D5 d+ k9 P9 l2 \
EN 60335-1中确实没有明确规定电器塑胶外壳所用的材料的防火等级。但是,它从另外的角度进行了说明,如“针焰测试”。(以下引自IEC 60335-1-2006 Clause u* C" l. l2 ^2 R

" ^3 s% G5 y* f- R0 `" r! f, r( EThe needle-flame test is not carried out on parts of material classified as V-0 or V-1 according to IEC 60695-11-10 provided that the test sample used for the classification was no thicker than the relevant part of the appliance.
& i6 B, k0 _+ e9 \
( O: P0 ]/ q' z另外,如果电器塑胶外壳所用的材料的防火等级为V-1级以上,那么外壳里的各部件则只需要一个较低的防火等级(如V-2级),或不作要求,只需要满足:
& j5 I" T& B8 U6 D' ~& S. k- G* C1)起火时,火焰不会蔓延出外壳外面。也没有燃烧滴落物滴落到外壳外面。  S9 u. q1 q8 V' Q6 L) ?) @' S
2)起火后,外壳的变形、受损不会影响外壳的防电击、高压、绝缘、电气间距、机械强度低于标准的要求等性能。% h  Y5 u9 E9 ^, A- G' O) F5 h

! B$ u+ j1 D0 f1 Z: k有一些标准则明确规定了塑胶外壳所用的材料的防火等级。如,EN 60950-1,或许可以给你一些参考。(以下的内容引自EN 60950-1-2006 Clause* M" R9 N+ W; f& s6 O

1 F" }5 s; Y3 d! \& H* U, F! P4.7.3.2 Materials for fire enclosures- c- D8 L' }/ H3 M6 b9 ?6 ^# f
The following requirements apply as appropriate.: m1 N6 I0 l3 _: V7 j4 N
The 18 kg mass criterion applies to individual complete equipments, even if they are used in close proximity to each other (for example, one on top of another). However, if a part of the
3 v& q* L  E+ f- {$ rFIRE ENCLOSURE is removed in such a situation (in the same example, the bottom cover of the top equipment), the combined mass of the equipment applies. In determining the total mass of equipment, supplies, consumable materials, media and recording materials used with the equipment shall not be taken into account.
  I% \6 r) c% T( QFor MOVABLE EQUIPMENT having a total mass not exceeding 18 kg, the material of a FIRE( t- o' |8 z- j6 k. p
ENCLOSURE, in the thinnest significant wall thickness used, shall be of V-1 CLASS MATERIAL or shall pass the test of Clause A.2.
; X) R# b# E2 u! K  a2 q# ?9 ?For MOVABLE EQUIPMENT having a total mass exceeding 18 kg and for all STATIONARY
3 f1 r9 d4 _3 s2 x  `7 QEQUIPMENT, the material of a FIRE ENCLOSURE, in the thinnest significant wall thickness used, shall be of 5VB CLASS MATERIAL or shall pass the test of Clause A.1.
4 s; A% |. V. A7 qMaterials for components that fill an opening in a FIRE ENCLOSURE, and that are intended to be mounted in this opening shall:' z7 @; J3 g% l& `# q9 L4 y
be of V-1 CLASS MATERIAL; or
# Q( l+ B, x* Z8 t/ _& opass the tests of Clause A.2; or+ q9 Q3 h2 i  X# L% H7 ]9 z% k' x
comply with the flammability requirements of the relevant IEC component standard.
5 i# g  |& G0 O* ?, g6 cNOTE Examples of these components are fuseholders, switches, pilot lights, connectors and appliance inlets.
- s; F' d) |+ Y( [/ b) b* M7 Q8 Q: ~& vPlastic materials of a FIRE ENCLOSURE shall be located more than 13 mm through air from arcing parts such as unenclosed commutators and unenclosed switch contacts.
9 w" }7 \- C; A- [  [4 GPlastic materials of a FIRE ENCLOSURE located less than 13 mm through air from non-arcing parts which, under any condition of normal or abnormal operation, could attain a temperature sufficient to ignite the material, shall be capable of passing the test of IEC 60695-2-20. The average time to ignition of the samples shall be not less than 15 s. If a sample melts through without igniting, the time at which this occurs is not considered to be the time to ignition.
7 D- a4 W5 L  ?, n- f6 C+ w4 RCompliance is checked by inspection of the equipment and material data sheets and, if necessary, by the appropriate test or tests in Annex A or IEC 60695-2-20.
发表于 2007-6-20 18:01 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-6-20 21:31 | 显示全部楼层
0 v3 ~$ S# M9 K3 q; M5 p) h* H" y+ [其实IEC也想按UL的方式来搞一个DATABASE,这些材料的相关测试就可以按测试数据来评价,这一点你细看60335的30.2章节可看出。但由于其按受程度远没有UL广泛,且在具体产品标准中并非强制,因此目前进行这一类认证的材料少得很。
发表于 2008-1-25 20:42 | 显示全部楼层
EN60335-1 条款30.1耐热、耐燃和耐漏电起痕;2对非金属材料要充分耐燃和阻止燃烧扩展的性.那就是说它要求必须具有一般电器产品这方面安全要求.既是没有明确说明.
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