Projectile Toys—These requirements relate to certain,3 n& R5 H: l# k' ~
but not all, potential, unexpected hazards that might be caused
8 k6 y5 Z( L6 yby projectile firing toys and by the firing of improvised8 r0 b2 b X% @! n; y/ |
projectiles from such toys. Certain well-recognized hazards- a _6 r7 j4 N2 F9 u
that are inherent in traditional toys such as slingshots and darts! `. Y3 X& [6 C% l
are not covered by these requirements. The discharge mechanism
5 L5 n. l2 ?6 r1 h. @4 H! tas well as the projectile shall conform to the requirements
9 x( {, a) f0 \$ F$ Y3 Kspecified in this section after testing in accordance with the
8 F/ l8 l: \( l @" Iappropriate test methods described in 8.5-8.10 and 8.14.. E( k5 Q5 `( K: L2 @
肯定不合格 弹射物也要做滥用测试的。
, P( ?" W# O+ }- q! Q( q3 ^改的话 个人认为就胶水粘牢一点 |