RTI 指相对温度指数,可确保材料能够正常使用的最高温度。单位为℃。也可用TI(保证温度)来表示。Elec表示电气特性方面的TI,imp表示有冲击负荷时的TI,而str则表示静态TI。下面是UL原文
p" f: t: ]7 r1 a% jRTI Elec — Electrical RTI, associated with critical insulating properties.1 |6 @0 O& r+ F! W" p6 F
RTI Mech Imp — Mechanical Impact RTI, associated with critical impact resistance, toughness, elongation and8 {6 t( Q8 t& Z2 C$ X& U
flexibility properties.8 L5 Y4 p! V+ C/ _) {- i
RTI Mech Str — Mechanical Strength (Mechanical without Impact) RTI, associated with critical mechanical
! c/ Y% T6 x3 [2 v1 I, p9 Gstrength and structural integrity where impact resistance, resilience and flexibility may not be essential. |