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[插头插座] 关于非标器具输入插座和标准连接器连接的问题

发表于 2014-6-8 21:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
各位大神,最近看到一款非标器具输入插座可以和标准连接器结合,请问这样是符合标准吗?- T* s9 r/ t: o: @; `% K( t! e/ y
下面是标准的内容:. m9 R$ `+ X( u; M
IEC60320-1 AMD 2007 9.6 的" G5 s2 H8 H& G  z( S
NOTE 3  It must not be possible to engage such a non-standard accessory with a complementary accessory
7 q$ D# M% u+ H2 Pcomplying with the standard sheets, but of a different current rating. Neither shall it be possible to engage it with a
5 X0 ]7 o/ R, H" E/ x- Qstandardized complementary accessory of the same rating if, by so doing, live parts are rendered any more7 i% E* E) n# b1 O" I
accessible than is the case with a standardized appliance coupler of the same rating or if the combination of nonstandardized accessory and standard complementary accessory fails to comply with the requirements of this# C, i7 F  b7 u$ C" H& l" I
standard other than the dimensions in the standard sheets.2 R& Z" i0 x% [1 k' U' l
8 r: W+ c% K3 }
' p5 y2 ]3 x; C5 k( `4 r但标准里边还有这么一句话让我不知道怎么判断:7 h: S4 \! Y' f0 U7 w

. R4 z6 d) M7 S+ c& x9 RSmall deviations from the dimension as specified in the standard sheets, which give the impression of a standardized coupler and lead to confusion with standardized appliance coupler, are not allowed.& V3 b( ^3 G8 Q$ F5 e/ U
9 C9 M; `' v3 X% b
; ?7 A7 \. q' L- x! [1 N; Q有木有大神出来解答下?
) L' B% ^' d/ s* @3 ~
% |2 o/ p2 l0 _" l4 l* v2 ]- K9 @$ v
发表于 2014-6-8 23:57 | 显示全部楼层
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