用GOOGLE大神一查EMEA就有多種組織的縮寫,不知您的產品是甚麼? 4 S$ ?; G. E6 J
1 |, P* G) H8 _! D; `) v* d' N# E
EMEA European Medicines Agency
$ F# T0 A0 G* F# q% WEMEA Europe, Middle East and Africa (business/market areas)
+ q) B4 F" X; pEMEA European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products# S; F# ~) U; U8 E/ }8 |
EMEA European Medicines Evaluation Agency
# J3 m1 z# T. y# I+ fEMEA Europe, Middle East and Asia (market area)
* r# p9 Q, b# f; g; jEMEA Error Modes and Effects Analysis
+ t. \1 c8 p) Q7 F, t( ?. i8 v( yEMEA Extended Monthly Evacuation Allowance, P; h! d- Y3 O/ h( Q
EMEA European Music Educators Association |