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[音视频产品] IEC 60065:2014中6.3 Light emitting diodes (LEDs)

发表于 2016-3-15 15:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
NOTE 1 Some examples of low power applications of LEDs that will normally comply are those used as:
0 X; H# M9 l3 x6 [. }3 v  M– indicating lights;
7 v2 F) _4 T' q# y+ a– infra-red devices such as are used in home entertainment devices;+ O! U/ A& x2 O3 O% E, O* c+ Q
– infra-red devices for data transmission, such as are used between computers and computer peripherals;
- m: p' G% U8 _' p/ n7 _– optocouplers; and) `+ @' u  ]6 `* U5 \. ?2 i
– other similar low power devices.
6 ~5 W% h" n; }请教下论坛各路大神,“other similar low power devices.”有没有一个定量的标准限值要求?
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