本帖最后由 xiaoning 于 2016-12-26 21:29 编辑 : i3 {3 l) i+ p7 t4 J5 l7 E
2 r- L9 k+ }2 @8 F$ t1 r- s
应急灯,澳洲标准的22.6.13:自容式应急灯不因短路,接地,中断而受影响,这里的短路指的是什么短路?是电池短路?接地指的是什么?中断指的是什么?要求通过22.12.7来验证,是指分别在短路,接地,中断 3个状态下进行0.9倍电压充电24小时后进行流明测试?用积分球还是分布式光度计?
8 F) ?0 j5 r7 D22.6.13 The operation of a self-contained emergency luminaire in the emergency mode shall 7 K# s* p; O! Y, B/ B/ z, d) M
not be influenced by a short-circuit, a contact to earth or an interruption, in the wiring of the . A3 O# U4 J# A' _
normal supply. . K; X" w7 R* V" V! e u6 I/ c
Compliance is checked by simulation of these supply wiring faults during the emergency mode
( Y5 N: T2 u2 r5 Ccycle of the test given in 22.12.7. The luminaire shall function normally during the test. ' F `- ^9 @4 z. E
8 N% I% v+ H0 W t) J0 B
22.12.7 On completion of the thermal test (that is, having complete battery discharge + {- [& O* [1 [
according to 22.12.4) a self-contained emergency luminaire shall be allowed to cool to its
1 A# k: T3 p/ yrated ambient temperature (t
* I; B# m1 `+ g8 [: A- G* ha; @# }; b- `7 x$ r0 H3 ]7 [
) or to 25 °C whichever is the higher and shall be subjected to a ! o# s5 n- y1 j# I4 l% e# G
24 h charging cycle at 0,9 times rated supply voltage after which the luminaire, with the lamp
- y" E s: N( y9 g1 T5 l+ C2 `as tested, shall operate satisfactorily in the emergency mode.provide the rated lumen output
. y. r, N8 H: b" Z0 kat the end of the rated duration of operation.
# z/ K& w; h: ^3 S* O7 _- x i' _
8 U+ r9 v" c3 |- ~9 \' B8 j. \3 D% Z6 J1 y3 X" a