
楼主 |
发表于 2017-6-3 11:30
狗二蛋 发表于 2017-5-23 09:50 - T1 Y" t* M% k& F* W
好像在CCC中,要把这几个元器件当作驱动,分类为杂类电子线路(类似的名字,记不太清楚)。SAA不清楚,关注 ... % ]7 m2 P! T' Y h, K b
澳洲那边有些机构已经开始要求按照最新标准AS/NZS 60598.2.2:2016去做了。 新的标准里面有提到. K2 }/ R, y* u; G
2.7.104 Controlgear
& z8 ~& U& q3 JAll controlgear (including controlgear that is a component part and all independent
3 Y5 i9 \+ \' `0 ucontrolgear) that is supplied with, or specified in, the instructions supplied with the
]7 r+ Z5 X; C; G/ b) y) Eluminaire for use with the luminaire shall be assessed with the luminaire to this
+ ]% ?% K4 M. ~: }Standard and shall, in addition, comply with the appropriate part of the% T x1 X* |- Q
AS/NZS 61347 series.
M; ]( p% y- K, c5 a7 ~3 F+ |( Z这里的 a component part 是不是可以理解为整体式的驱动装置。所以要求按照61347去做。 |