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[其它认证] SASO认证知识

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发表于 2008-4-15 11:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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发表于 2008-4-15 11:22 | 显示全部楼层
5 n: }$ i: `' ^/ G$ g( |. F另外你的有些东西没有体现哦,例如你想取得license证书就必须做full test包括能耗,而在08年6月1日前只需要做T3工况下的EER,而在08年6月之后需要加做T1的EER&COP.* {) P: z) h$ G* Y. J4 _# O
Energy label requirement of SASO
7 y2 t' a/ v" D  x3 S
1 N! _/ a) |( o! O$ Ca) Tested effective power input ………………….…….≤1.10 x rated power.
; [: }: T- h0 s
, [+ T0 v2 }. ]  T  Kb) Tested cooling and heating capacity ………….…..≥0.95 x rated capacity.; Z( u' ]8 J  D
* m7 ~9 s8 Q3 Q0 {1 I" Y* H
c) Tested EER …………………………………….……..≥0.95 x rated EER.! f0 p- J1 `6 s

0 {# e" J, ]+ d" s; _' |# od) Tested COP …………………………………….…….≥0.95 x rated COP.& J, \& }( h5 h9 o. W4 H. ]

: d2 Z& L0 Q  b5 k6 W+ ee) Test voltage ……………………………... 127 V or 220 V, as applicable.8 ^+ a7 B1 D0 p$ ^! A

: J, h  a- Q, R5 y7 A9 }3 Kf) Test frequency ……………………………………………………. 60 Hz.
0 e8 U: |5 g' b- A3 B* D" z8 N% t) b: c1 j# t: c, w* ^2 h3 z: s
g) Test conditions (T1) see table 2 of the standard mentioned in 2.2.
8 T+ w7 \# N- S# M3 b1 a
! R' F: {- @1 o: S' ~. [% s - Y/ G. E  |8 c
) P' u& m3 N0 b4 |
The minimum energy performance standard MEPS value for the airconditioner in the scope of this standard shall be greater than or equal to 7.5 (EER value) at cooling capacity condition T1 and 5.4 (EER value) at cooling capacity condition T3 (Where the EER is stated without an indication of units, it shall be understood that it is derived from (Btu/h )/watt). The recommended MEPS value after two years of implementing this standard will be greater than or equal to 8.5 (EER value) at cooling capacity condition T1 and 6 (EER value) at cooling capacity condition T3.
发表于 2008-4-22 13:37 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-9-15 12:32 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-9-24 14:58 | 显示全部楼层
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