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[能效] DLC V5.0 & DLC V5.1 Final Version Timeline 正式版实施时间表

发表于 2020-2-20 09:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
DLC V5.0 & DLC V5.1 Final Version Timeline 正式版实施时间表
01)- 生效日期和DLC关注点: 2020214日,DLC发布新的5.05.1正式版本
Version 版本
Accepted Date可递交日期
Accepted between February 18, 2020 and October 31, 2020
2020-02-18 to 2020-10-31
1.     The efficacy of listed products  increases with the pace of technology without compromising quality of light
2.      Virtually all listed indoor luminaires and  retrofit kits are dimmable, providing increased energy saving and improved  user satisfaction.
1.      提升照明产品光效,但不要求光照颜色质量;
2.      要求室人灯具和替换件需要调光功能。
Applications will be accepted beginning July 1, 2020
1.     New color quality  requirements help provide good color rendering with better color consistency  over time.
2.     Lighting decision  makers can use DLC Premium classification to have more confidence in the  glare performance of listed products.
3.     Virtually all listed  products are dimmable, providing increased energy savings and improved user  satisfaction
1.      通过更好的颜色一致性和颜色质量要求去体现颜色渲染和显示性能;
2.      照明决策者可以使用DLC高级分类,对上市产品眩光性能更有信心。
3.      几乎所有列出的产品都是可调光的,从而提高了节能和用户满意度
02)-Timeline 实施时间表
ImplementationTimelines and Grace Periods, Solid-State Lighting (SSL) Manufacturer andIndustry Guidance Versions 5.0 & 5.1
Table 1: Summary of V5.0/V5.1Implementation Timeline 实施时间表
Milestone 重要阶段
Date 日期
Final V5.0 & V5.1 Technical Requirements released
正式版V5.0 & V5.1发布
February 14, 2020
V5.0 new product applications accepted
February 18, 2020
V5.0 update applications for V4.4 listed products accepted
February 18, 2020
Individual outreach sent to manufacturers (noting status of  V4.4 listed products relative to V5.0)
February 20, 2020
Listed products that meet V5.0 requirements auto-update to  V5.0 on the QPL
March 30, 2020
Deadline to submit products for qualification under V4.4  Technical
Requirements 根据V4.4技术要求提交产品认证申请的截止日期
May 31, 2020
V5.1 new product applications accepted (new fee amounts  apply)
July 1, 2020
V5.1 update applications for V4.4 or V5.0 listed products  accepted (new fee
amounts apply) V5.1接受V4.4或V5.0上市产品的更新申请(新费用适用金额)
July 1, 2020
Deadline to submit V5.0 or V5.1 product update applications  for V4.4 listed
Products  提交V4.4版本列名产品升级V5.0或V5.1产品更新申请的截止日期
October 31, 2020
Deadline to submit new products for qualification under  V5.0 Technical
Requirements 根据V5.0技术要求提交新产品进行鉴定的截止日期
October 31, 2020
Products that do not meet V5.0 requirements delisted
December 31, 2020
Deadline to submit V5.1 product update applications for  V5.0 listed products
October 15, 2021
Products that do not meet V5.1 requirements delisted
December 31, 2021
03Application Fee changes 费用增加 (从2020-7-1开始实施)
Table 3: Updated Fee Structure更新的费用构成
Application  Type 申请类型
Item  项次
July  1, 2020 Fee 费用
Single Product
Single Product Application Fee 单一产品申请费
Family Grouping
Independent Test Reports (ITRs) 独立测试报告单元
Family Grouping
Additional product family members 附加产品系列型号
Private Label
Independent Test Reports (ITRs) 独立测试报告单元
Private Label
Additional product family members 附加产品系列型号

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-20 09:14 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 rick.xiao 于 2020-2-20 09:16 编辑
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04Application Timeframes changes 审核时间增加(从2020-7-1开始实施)
Table 4: V5.1 ApplicationProcessing Timeframes 申请程序时间表
Application Type 申请类型
Initial Review 初始审核
Comprehensive Review 全面审核
Single Product
9 Business Days
7 Business Days
Family Grouping
9 Business Days
10 Business Days
Private Label
6 Business Days
6 Business Days
Product Updates
9 Business Days
10 Business Days

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05 LM-80and TM-21-11 requirement / LM-80以及寿命推断更进一步符合TM-21要求

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Additionally, under V5.1, the DLC will requireLM-80 sets to be sufficient for projecting to 50,000 hours via TM-21 rules alonein order to demonstrate compliance with the L70 lumen maintenancerequirement. Products with LM-80 sets insufficient to do so will beineligible for qualification. To clarify, projections shall not extend beyond 6times the test duration for 20 or more samples (5.5 times for 10 to 19samples).
·          For example, LM-80 sets used to project to50,000 hours are required to demonstrate a test duration of ≥ 8,333.33 hoursfor 20 or more samples. 6,000 hours of test data will no longer be accepted.
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