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发表于 2008-7-2 22:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Fault Current Test - Three capacitors of each size and voltage rating are orientated in a vertical up, horizontal and vertical down position and tested under an induced fault condition at the desired available fault current level.
; ~; v" ]. `$ J: b; v: z  J- [, s; f& U$ u3 X" L
        Restrike - Conducted on expansion protected capacitors. One capacitor out of three (i.e., one capacitor from each of the samples tested at each current level for each Fault Current Test position) is chosen based on the least amount of swelling.  The capacitor is connected in an AC circuit of a potential  equal to the Fault Current Test and positioned in the same manner as in the Fault Current Test.
! p: p; g. U& s( |( s/ g0 w$ s: K% C" c
        Dielectric Withstand Test - For oil filled constructions each capacitor, after being subjected to the Fault Current Test, is to be subjected to an application of 60 Hz alternating potential at 1-1/2 times the maximum rated voltage between the terminals of opposite polarity and between the terminals of enclosure.  For dry type constructions: each capacitor, after being subjected to the Fault Current Test is to be subjected to the application of 60 Hz alternating potential of 1000 V plus twice the rated voltage between live parts and dead-metal parts and 1-1/2 times the maximum rated voltage between terminals with opposite polarity.  ! `$ u+ G9 r& V0 N* [1 Y  D  d

7 \" d' ], ^+ T/ D! z$ o$ W        Lead Pull-Out Test - Six samples of the capacitors provided with leads shall be subjected to a 20 lb (89 N) Lead Pull Out Test for No. 18 AWG wire or larger and a 8 lb (36 N) lead pullout for leads smaller than No. 18 AWG.  
8 t  O* ]0 z3 ?. W! H- ?9 t5 c% X! g7 H  H/ n' D. U" Y: Y+ G7 I
        Test Acceptance - In general, test acceptance is judged on the basis of the test results.  The capacitor shall not exhibit a risk of shock or fire as demonstrated by venting or rupturing, dielectric failure, flaming of the cotton, or expulsion of conductive material and/or pulling out of leads.  For further details, refer to the Standard for Capacitors, UL 810.
6 p. @. k0 S7 [; v; o请有做过电容UL认证的大虾帮忙以上测试是怎样操作的.中文如何翻译?谢谢.
发表于 2008-7-8 06:33 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-8-29 10:57 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-20 11:29 | 显示全部楼层
$ k4 `2 o: \3 O; {+ k# [/ l" V/ s1 v: B8 ^
失效电流试验:每种尺寸和电压的三个电容器样品垂直向上,水平及垂直向下放置,按照所要求的失效电流等级有可能引发的失效情况进行试验。9 K6 G2 c) V. Z+ \3 F9 ~6 ]6 O$ J
重击穿: 只对膨胀保护电容适用。从三个样品(即:从每个失效电流测试位置, 每种电流等级,从每种被测样品各选出一个电容器)中选 出一个膨胀度最小的样品。 样品和相当于失效电流的AC电源相接并和失效电流失验相同的方式放置。5 k& w( Z1 r" P8 K' D* d
  绝缘强度测试 – 对于油浸结构:每个电容,承受失效电流试验后,不同极性端子间和端子和外壳间需经受1-1/2倍最大额定电压值, 60Hz的交流电位。对于干形结构:每个电容,承受失效电流试验后,带电部件和非带电金属部件间须承受一个值为1000V加两倍额定电压值,60Hz的交注电位,不同极性端子间则经受1-1/2倍最大额定电压。$ H& Z4 u/ A% H* h  Y
引线拉拔试验: 带引线的6个样品应承受一引线拉拔试验。具体要求为:对于18AWG或以上规格的引线,施加20lb(89N)的力, 18AWG以下的则施加8lb(36N)的力。9 G4 b: L* g7 g8 F2 }
可接受性:  一般来讲,可接受性在测试结果的基础上进行判断。电容器不应因为断裂,击穿,纱布燃烧或导电材料的流溢和/或引线拉拔而导致触电或起火的风险。
发表于 2009-9-11 11:44 | 显示全部楼层
楼上说的还是比较正确的, 一下是我的翻译,进入该行业不久,经验欠缺。 请多关照
8 L4 u9 ]! V  A3 R' B, [* h1 u, e6 W 8 R+ i( s3 b+ ?5 D% N- r
  故障电流测试:每种尺寸和额定电压的三个电容, 按垂直向上,水平和垂直向下排列。按所需的故障电流水平在可能引起故障的条件下进行试验
( a* O3 ]  q, q# N  C
$ W5 v5 O+ l( Q( Y4 p  再击穿-在具有防爆功能的电容上进行。根据最低膨胀程度,从三个电容当中选择一个电容(例如:在故障电流测试中每个位置,每种电流水平都测试过的电容)。该电容所连接的交流电路应具有与故障电流测试相同水平的性能,且该电容在该电路中的位置应与故障电流测试中的相同。-*
+ ~( K) m9 _5 _6 \; B5 F9 M( u  W. o: M
  介电强度测试:对于每个浸渍料为油的电容,在故障电流测试之后,应在60HZ频率下以1到1/2 倍的最大额定电压对其做端到端及极壳间的耐压测试。对于每个浸渍料为固化材料结构的电容,在故障电流测试之后,应在60HZ频率下以1000V加上2倍额定电压对其带电部分与不带电金属部分进行耐压测试,并且以1到1/2倍的最大额定电压对其做端到端的耐压测试。; M8 o, M- P* ~% r8 X* a
0 |+ w9 D) e/ V+ y' I
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