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发表于 2007-7-21 09:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发表于 2007-7-21 09:50 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-22 11:51 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-7-22 12:07 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-7-22 15:31 | 显示全部楼层
引用第2楼月亮代表吾心于2007-07-22 11:51发表的  :9 k( M# W" W& M
这个我知道了,是按EN60335-2-3的25.14节进行,20000次。& R$ t+ c/ |; x5 r  [3 Z4 B; G: D
25.14   Modification:) n0 q* [% c  q# U- {! h9 X+ Z( i' U; P2 v
Instead of the load specified for the cord, the cord is loaded with a mass of 2 kg.
$ S% @: h3 m, m  Q0 C/ JInstead the number of flexings specified, the number of flexings is 20000.
& e, k1 R1 S9 M2 o1 @+ [NOTE 101   The test is not carried out on cordless irons unless the iron can also be directly connected to the Supply mains during ironing.
$ N1 r. x! h; ^) r  NAddition:) r9 l# q1 m2 C2 j
For steam irons with a separate water reservoir or boiler, the test is made on the steam hose  y3 g9 x( j) X8 o3 S2 u. l
and the interconnection cord together. If they are contained in one sheath or otherwise
  ~$ d/ ^# M9 q( S, O- O( w7 q5 ?9 v) xattached to each other, the assembly is not turned through an angle of 90°1 L2 Z! Y6 T7 l5 z, J
The test shall not result in
+ [5 D6 ?2 @: p% p: D- loosening of the hose;) ^7 M! q$ \' }! S7 z! [6 f7 Q6 N, f
- damage to the hose to such an extent that compliance with this standard is impaired;
6 l5 g: ~( a3 r) n/ m- leakage from the hose.
5 c* f* n& u: J1 j" u; D
1 Z2 R. H$ ?% AAppliances are also subjected to the following test while mounted on an apparatus similar to1 [$ ?4 U4 n( Z* m. i, F/ W) s+ D
That of Figure 8. this testis carried out on a separate appliance.
" h1 d& A+ s$ e/ b: [# D
* }0 V' M0 {# i$ N' V6 ZThe supply cord is suspended vertically from the appliance and loaded so that s force of
' D8 u' a+ D, d3 {$ z, S( h: l10N is applied. The oscillating member is moved through an angle of 180° and back to the$ W0 B. U3 D7 p$ w8 w6 w
initial position. The number of flexings is 2000, the rate of flexing being six per minute1 O! t/ e( u/ q+ f9 e, h

+ g2 }% y9 J; [7 v, PNOTE 102   The appliance is mounted so that the direction of flexing corresponds to that most likely to occur when1 C5 h% q5 q) u( R5 l
The supply cord is wound around it for storage.: u1 _) }* U- ~3 }2 s4 O, y+ l3 y

, N2 r+ ^9 o6 y7 i2 A  ?2 _2 VNOTE 103   The test is not carried out if it unlikely that the cord will be wrapped around the appliance, for Example cordless irons and irons with a separate water reservoir.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-23 11:31 | 显示全部楼层
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