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[综合话题] 出口欧盟的VDE认证产品,请在报关文件中准备VDE证书复印件!

发表于 2009-2-16 17:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Since January 2009 VDE Institute cooperates with European Customs Authorities to combat counterfeiting of VDE's certification marks. With immediate effect European customs shall request valid VDE certificates for each VDE Mark visible on a product (and/or plug, cable etc.) when goods are imported into the European market. Therefore customs documentation should contain these certificates in order to avoid unnecessary delays during customs clearance. The missing of a necessary VDE certificate may lead to the stop of the importing process.
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7 H) L3 E& ]7 Y1 U" n$ Z从2009年1月开始,VDE和欧洲海关当局联合打击盗用VDE标志的行为。从现在开始,所有出口欧盟的带有可见的VDE标志的产品,欧盟海关会要求出示有效的VDE证书。因此报关文件中最好包括证书复印件以避免清关时的延误。缺少VDE证书有可能会造成无法清关。
4 N$ o  C4 U& ]+ b: A
4 [' L7 G; f4 `1 A  n* v$ J详细信息请见:
( p2 I# i. T  E% L4 ~# \http://www.vde.com/en/institute/customers/pages/customs.aspx
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-16 17:15 | 显示全部楼层
如果不是自己出口产品,请注意给客户一份VDE证书的复印件。- e$ K& A# J- V2 b
2 W3 u( S! d+ e; o  a0 Y% i
引用第0楼schwarzwald于2009-02-16 17:12发表的 出口欧盟的VDE认证产品,请在报关文件中准备VDE证书复印件! :
4 B+ B5 W8 Y9 K1 v) z' R! dSince January 2009 VDE Institute cooperates with European Customs Authorities to combat counterfeiting of VDE's certification marks. With immediate effect European customs shall request valid VDE certificates for each VDE Mark visible on a product (and/or plug, cable etc.) when goods are imported into the European market. Therefore customs documentation should contain these certificates in order to avoid unnecessary delays during customs clearance. The missing of a necessary VDE certificate may lead to the stop of the importing process.
: d# }6 Z6 J$ V0 e# D
$ b. [- p: U& k& q从2009年1月开始,VDE和欧洲海关当局联合打击盗用VDE标志的行为。从现在开始,所有出口欧盟的带有可见的VDE标志的产品,欧盟海关会要求出示有效的VDE证书。因此报关文件中最好包括证书复印件以避免清关时的延误。缺少VDE证书有可能会造成无法清关。
: X8 m( ]" N% i) @# b4 r* U8 e! C
+ h) X5 \2 z7 L! b( z5 C详细信息请见:0 [* n( t" i7 R6 W# F, A
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