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[玩具召回] Evenflo Recalls Envision™ High Chairs Due to Fall and Choking Hazards

发表于 2009-4-8 09:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hazard: Recline fasteners and metal screws on both sides of the high chair can loosen and fall out, allowing the seatback to detach or recline unexpectedly. Children can fall backwards or fall out of the high chair and suffer bumps and bruises to the head, abrasions, cuts and bruises. Detached hardware also poses a choking hazard to children.
# d9 K" E8 n& u* k* [( pIncidents/Injuries: Evenflo has received 320 reports of seatbacks detaching or reclining unexpectedly, resulting in 19 reports of bumps and bruises to the head and 35 reports of other injuries including abrasions, pinches and bruises. Evenflo has also received 13 reports of recline fasteners and screws falling out of the high chair, resulting in one incident in which a fastener and/or screws were found in a child抯 hand or mouth but were removed before choking occurred.# s5 m# Q# e2 R" T  `
Description: The recall involves all Evenflo Envision™ high chairs, including model numbers: 2891321, 2891321A, 2891333, 2891351, 2891351A, 2891365, 2891375, 2891403, 2891403A, 2891466, 2891466A, 2891478, 2891536, 2891536A, 2891573, 2891586, 2892351 and 2892351A. The model number can be found on a white label on the seatback. 揈venflo?and 揈nvision?are printed on the front of the tray." |0 P  r7 V9 [% J
Sold at: Juvenile product and mass merchandise stores nationwide, including Toys揜擴s, Babies揜擴s, K-Mart and Burlington Coat Factory from December 2002 through April 2006 for between $80 and $110., N6 V$ l5 Q  `9 H; g0 L; s
Manufactured in: China
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