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[玩具召回] SunKids Convertible Cribs Recalled by Suntech Enterprises Due to Entrapment a

发表于 2009-4-8 09:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hazard: The sides of the crib are made of mesh that expands, creating a gap between the side and the crib抯 mattress if it抯 not zipped into place, or a gap between the side and an added mattress. A young child can slip into this gap and become entrapped or suffocate. Also, the crib抯 drop side can fail to fully latch posing a fall hazard to young children.
  `! B! m* i- [: ~Incidents/Injuries: None reported with this crib. However, CPSC is aware of the death of a 5-month-old child in August 2008 involving another company抯 nearly identical crib that was recalled. The child became entrapped between the mattress and the mesh side and suffocated.
6 j& i1 _, {0 e5 \4 q' [Description: The recall involves the SunKids convertible crib/playpen/bassinet/bed with model number PY256. 揝unKids?is embroidered on the bottom left of the crib抯 drop side. The convertible cribs have a drop side rail, stationary side rail, canopy assembly, and bassinet. The sides of the convertible crib are fabric and mesh. The mattress support, bassinet, canopy, and bed skirt are covered in fabric. The fabric and the mesh were sold in navy blue, light blue, pink, beige, white, beige checker, and pink heart.- M* k8 p1 ^7 r8 i
Sold at: Small juvenile product retailers in N.Y., N. J., and Calif. from January 2007 through October 2008 for about $100.) M& W) {. U! ~& K+ V& [2 L
Manufactured in: China
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