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[玩具召回] Australia Recall---Evenflo Majestic High Chair & Majestic Discovery High Chair

发表于 2009-4-24 17:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

$ L) A) f6 d4 ]" ^
Evenflo Majestic High Chair & Majestic Discovery High Chair
$ l' W. o- _5 F* Q8 ^  oDate: 20/04/20097 j, Q" t( T! u: X6 m4 O
Supplier Name: Roger Armstrong Nursery Furniture) R# v- {! B; I# O
Product Info: All Majestic High Chairs are subject to recall. The model numbers of the high chairs imported into Australia are 3001713A and 3002848A.
8 ]* X3 k- k, o# RDefect Details:  The screw and pivot cap hardware on the sides of the high chair can release, posing a choking and fall hazard to children.
" Y' K: Z9 }; sConsumer action: Contact Roger Armstrong Nursery Furniture on 1800 062 484 to arrange for delivery of a Majestic High Chair Repair Kit.* F+ w: A6 y0 Z
Market Coverage: National
) S$ l1 {1 T  e. ?# g% B# }Recall Coverage: National
( x  ^- ]) G0 z& B' e' w
0 y9 u2 H7 z4 r( U5 j; L
Evenflo Majestic High Chair
/ r0 U6 d7 y  v: S! _: |

2 b9 J6 i1 O* F, l3 J. zThe Product Safety Section of the ACCC has overall policy responsibility for monitoring the conduct and outcomes of consumer goods safety recalls in Australia
7 l) e2 `: T; \
发表于 2009-4-24 21:47 | 显示全部楼层
是因为什么原因被回收的,它的安全隐患是?( r& L2 ?7 H6 y; h; i* r4 h" s
请问 楼主
发表于 2009-4-24 21:50 | 显示全部楼层
引用第1楼ling31于2009-04-24 21:47发表的  :
) ]9 Z/ d' D3 ^: W& x& U, Z( z是因为什么原因被回收的,它的安全隐患是?
1 s7 G) B% p0 P' T* B) t请问 楼主
4 h3 u! R  B  S! R
缺陷原因: ! ^  w- [9 ]7 \% y, Q1 a( B
Defect Details:  The screw and pivot cap hardware on the sides of the high chair can release, posing a choking and fall hazard to children.
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