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[其它认证] 请问有人知道NCAC认证么?

发表于 2009-6-1 10:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发表于 2009-6-1 10:14 | 显示全部楼层
' U! g3 U, D/ L7 h! N8 j4 l! ^* Q; R' [9 C1 G+ z! @. W! G, x
From ASA Office Cotonou Rep of Benin .( W$ I& m$ s, U9 U8 j! t
% w( ?1 S, _0 M
Attn: Mr.Alex Ho.
. j: D+ j+ C9 N7 R
  z7 D/ C- ]5 Y! L$ B  PWe the management of ASA are here today been 23/07/07 to confirmed the approval of your invoice for supplying of t-shirt, dated on 17/07/07 Invoice N°: MTDZO7JUL17-2 Covering the total quantity of 2,000,000 pieces of t-shirt, value the sum amount of USD1,980, 015.6" j, R# p  q7 ?% v" [

: Y2 v8 e, z: i% H$ L' z# T+ l$ X& ^As it is, please we would like you to re-send the invoice sign and stamp in the invoice and address it to the attention of AFRICAN STATES ASSOCIATION as you can see the below following address which the new invoice will carry.
$ i6 u# F6 F4 s! e) G) Z) v4 [! d" j9 C7 E+ y
coustomas; l( o4 r1 s0 k. |8 a  A
Plot 121 zones B Air port Avenue. ; w+ V$ o" P. u  [; z
Port Nova Rep of Benin . 6 R$ E5 s4 U0 f' e4 Z! S
Tel/Fax ///8 R$ D+ X' y2 e% g1 j; e  D
E-MAIL:--6 I  z6 O6 y$ S3 c+ j. g
' o; G" P* k1 P2 w) ^3 B2 \& X* gWell, we have taken the invoice to the paying Bank for approval and know the necessary documents needed to present for easy transfer, one of the most important document you needed to get is the National Award Certificate, the Bank manager let us know you need to obtain it as a proof the transfer is going to your account as payment for the contract awarded to you.
1 \. p  ^* U9 r. N( q: n  " j& y8 {7 A& B5 ?$ U

, n/ O. w* N1 E: h% {0 y- ?In other to get the Certificate, you will contact the National Contract Award Council (NCAC) E-mail: ncac@insurer.com for obtaining of the National Award Certificate; they are the Authority who is in charge for issuing of the Certificate.; Q2 y: V- g. X+ C1 h$ _

2 q2 l/ S. s' o+ [& i7 \, ~* {+ PWhile sending the new invoice, kindly check if the Bank account information you forward to us are correct. ' K) J* v) W/ G  a% r/ Y# q0 a
; m( Y' L" c* |) l
We hope you can work with us without going back.$ B2 X3 c" u- z. c% a: r

1 ^; z; `# P) M  K1 t  O2 iThanks.# K7 P, I+ Y- `+ L2 N; j
+ a7 N) u( Z7 H2 B

* W1 m7 }, N/ m+ T6 m# L今天在认证版看到有人问关于NCAC的问题
+ p6 C) N4 `7 O8 x* k" T6 Z, q" u内容大致是:有非洲的客人要求工厂去做NCAC认证并且说必须做了这个认证以后该国银行
1 b6 x' i4 s8 Z/ ?6 Q才能允许汇款到工厂来,信里提供了做这个认证联系人的电子邮件
) W" a2 |0 `: ?& M现提醒大家: 千万不要相信这类邮件!
7 x" d0 ?2 f6 J4 D5 |+ g1.  对于出口货物一般认证都是针对产品的(不管是验货也好,产品认证也好)基本不是针对公司的. l! |: ^, j% ]7 Q% l+ c
2.  很多国家的认证在国内都可以做。一些验货的机构在国内都有分支机构
2 u2 B0 L7 m8 e  ?各国产品认证在国内都有很多代理的机构,如果有人说该认证必须是跟国外联系的话,建议引起注意
4 l8 G+ M! V2 ?. j1 i/ ~3.  遇到此类问题,请及时跟认证公司咨询,以防带来不必要的损失。
 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-26 22:26 | 显示全部楼层
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