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[玩具标准] 关于EN71的求教

发表于 2009-7-2 10:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
EN71到底分几部分?且每部分所针对的内容?/ }% t% n$ q4 [
发表于 2009-7-2 10:17 | 显示全部楼层
⎯ Part 1: Mechanical and physical properties) E; c) B6 y( o) s
⎯ Part 2: Flammability$ v) g7 z" X7 |
⎯ Part 3: Migration of certain elements
; ?% X7 T- p5 ~4 D+ Z⎯ Part 4: Experimental sets for chemistry and related activities
2 R( U" j5 C8 I1 ?- {⎯ Part 5: Chemical toys (sets) other than experimental sets
1 V9 V/ b+ A7 `( Y' t; a) f! ~; X⎯ Part 6: Graphical symbol for age warning labelling /10# E7 K# s& Q/ n  b: \
⎯ Part 7: Finger paints – Requirements and test methods
3 G8 [" X5 U  o% U⎯ Part 8: Swings, slides and similar activity toys for indoor and outdoor family domestic use
  j" ?0 ^7 t* h" ~$ x⎯ Part 9: Organic chemical compounds – Requirements+ Z- k. K& c2 ~, F
⎯ Part 10: Organic chemical compounds – Sample preparation and extraction1 f# l7 m# {' L2 a7 e4 i( Z: s
⎯ Part 11: Organic chemical compounds – Methods of analysis
1 O3 q- d& v5 k$ n1 D- _" HAt the time of publication of this European Standard, a proposal had
% A0 m1 I0 y( ]* @been submitted to the BT to withdraw EN 71-6.0' \& Y4 K" g4 L4 y
发表于 2009-7-2 10:21 | 显示全部楼层
⎯ Part 1: Mechanical and physical properties. q, n! U* R- J  X4 |3 w
⎯ Part 2: Flammability
) U2 t6 J- O+ O! B/ ?' D- J⎯ Part 3: Migration of certain elements$ @5 Y9 B! M9 D. u. u1 G& ^! s; i
⎯ Part 4: Experimental sets for chemistry and related activities
3 b4 d, T1 \  x3 C$ v: {+ l⎯ Part 5: Chemical toys (sets) other than experimental sets
0 D0 O3 ~  t* S1 R( e⎯ Part 6: Graphical symbol for age warning labelling /10
! L- P; J. ?# h* n6 L, |9 k$ v⎯ Part 7: Finger paints – Requirements and test methods
0 ~% @8 O5 J9 R⎯ Part 8: Swings, slides and similar activity toys for indoor and outdoor family domestic use+ |* K1 U/ H" T0 g! k* I) d
⎯ Part 9: Organic chemical compounds – Requirements  T. f; B' H% h2 |: @. U2 T& Z, G
⎯ Part 10: Organic chemical compounds – Sample preparation and extraction
* X, r3 K7 S$ M! w# \⎯ Part 11: Organic chemical compounds – Methods of analysis
发表于 2009-7-2 10:21 | 显示全部楼层
1、EN 71-1:2005+A8:2009 -physical &mechanical Test 物理和机械性测试9 [5 y+ \% }5 H
(a)Without Sound module 不发声玩具
- i; w+ V7 L: j& f" P(b)With Sound module 发声玩具* [1 @+ u- E$ W8 S( s: w* x& T
(c)Earphone with Sound 耳机发声玩具
* r5 U: s4 g. T6 {/ q  L1 q(d)7000 Cycles Switch Test for Chest 玩具柜的7000次开关测试5 d: Z* U. b/ M
(e)Ride-on Toys 乘骑玩具/ X7 w4 A) o0 W+ I& p- O
(F)Mouth-actuated Toys口动玩具6 a7 H# Y/ V: ~$ O3 L# p0 J3 t
4 i. I+ ], a% p
2、EN 71 Part 2:2006+A1:2007-flammability Test 易燃性测试
/ r6 ?4 T6 h" a, q(a)Finished Product 成品
- Z2 t0 U) ~* n( f+ [, K(b)Pile fabric or material 绒毛织物或绒毛材料
  |: Y* r5 z2 p" P3 T, w(c)Flash Point 液体闪点测试
1 p3 X$ F& \- `3 U# m. s! a! z
' v& o! g2 F2 |5 w* N3、EN 71-3:1994 + A1:2000+ Ac:2002 -Toxic Elements Test (8 Toxic Elements Results)6 ]6 m. \9 q; l
, i1 u0 A6 |$ Q& j2 F% s' w' K元素:铅(Pb) 砷(As) 锑(Sb) 钡(Ba) 镉(Cd) 铬(Cr) 汞(Hg) 硒(Se); {! Z# L0 s( Z, `  j1 b( k) F+ e
限值:90 25 60 1000 75 60 60 500 单位PPm)
6 T7 X7 J6 u* ]) Q5 a' }. {7 |" ?  c+ u0 K  b. P
4、EN 71 Part 4:Experimental Set for Chemisty 化学实验玩具
/ u5 f; f; r0 f) w# ]
5 L+ t! @! q+ U) }: n/ m$ l3 L1 y  C7 z5、EN 71 Part 5:Chemisty Toys(Sets) Other than Experimental Sets 非实验用化学玩具
! m7 d5 |& F, l- {% O' Y0 s
- y! ^, n( D, [6、EN 71 Part 6:Graphical Symbol for Age Warning Labelling年龄警告标签图示符号
) t! _" Z3 `# x/ I: Q7 e2 b0 Y7 D0 e
7、EN 71 Part 7 Finger Paints手指画颜料
: t+ R3 \) ]; f* U(a)Colorants 着色剂
3 |% I+ `+ J  E, m" O( }1 t(b)Preservatives 防腐剂
# h; \9 z8 r0 s# X+ G(c)Binding agents,extenders,humectants and surfactants,ingredient review 结合剂,
7 w4 W& B( d- P; \, j添加剂,保湿剂,表面活性剂,成份评估9 m. h* {1 b1 E8 b8 r/ C
(d)Limits for the of Transfer certain elements 数种元素的转移量. y; u; `, S- `$ h3 d
(e)Limits for primar aromatic amines 主要芬香胺含量
# F" Y+ @9 {8 r) [) P" p(f)Ethanol 乙醇
: a0 }0 D  ~( I. }(g)pH value 酸碱, V5 G& w: m7 _/ v
(h)Product information & Container 产品信息及包装容器
, [# x4 y/ Y" u& t' H( K' ^. O3 S9 ^  }# t
8、EN71 Part 8
( y% o0 {' G  u6 x! x(a)Playground Equipment(Exclude Swing)除秋千以外的娱乐设施
" Y1 |% L+ M  P$ F! q$ y0 J; p8 u8 n(b)Swing 秋千
1 g& N4 Z1 Z. O3 R! t
" p( v: H6 s! V2 A8 z- m9、EN 71 Part 9 Organic Chemical Compounds 有机化合物7 h" N2 u3 K' u4 g: _# k# X
(a)Flame Retardants阻燃剂
0 x& B0 y3 F2 U6 _: \(b)Color fastness to perspiration耐汗液色牢度( s* f: S9 L# R
(c)Colourants 着色剂8 F( }/ ^! h1 G) }. F3 R
(d)Limits for primary aromatic amines 主要芬香胺含量# w5 ]* j- ]; `6 A# V5 `
(e)Monomers-migration Test塑料单体(迁移)
, g( m8 P9 l& I7 D0 U" {(f)Solvents-migration Test溶剂(迁移)
+ G- `0 l8 [2 {(g)Solvents-inhalation Test溶剂(吸入)
* z4 U# t" s! H5 g(h)Wood Preservatives木材防腐剂" F! `4 F( ~7 u8 I' u
(i)Preservatives(Other than wood presercatives)防腐剂(除木材防腐剂外); |' i; k4 ]. B
(j)Plasticisers-migration Test增塑剂(迁移)
1 k- U% a1 _( w9 m(k)Toxicity Classification according to 1999/45/EC毒性分类$ g6 q: k' g; {5 ^0 \5 ^. U9 k
(l)PH酸碱值& {8 @3 r2 Q' l
% X4 B; d% S$ K; V# @  o: l7 K% o2 A/ q" v; M8 {) p
10、EN 71 Part 10 Organic chemical compounds – Sample preparation and extraction
' m1 l! B- V6 o" l) h9 \$ S, I; j$ v+ ]
11、EN 71 Part 11 Organic chemical compounds – Methods of analysis
发表于 2009-7-2 11:05 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-2 14:44 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-7-2 14:59 | 显示全部楼层
( ~, ?. h0 M% x: \9 S) A$ b3 d' J
' A8 b% I; S/ G) j哪个文件啊。
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