5 i4 n# H9 c# ]& {1 v5 F( j" l§ 1508.7 Construction and finishing.
, q0 \. c! p$ z, s4 e7 G(c) Crib end panels and sides or any attachment thereto shall have no horizontal bar, ledge, projection, or other surface accessible to a child inside the crib capable of being used as a toehold located less than 51 centimeters (20 inches) above the mattress support in its lowest position when the side rail is in its highest position, except the lower horizontal bar of the crib rail may have a vertical dimension that extends no higher than 7.6 centimeters (3 inches) above the mattress support in its lowest position. 9 y: m' g4 @5 s8 [; R7 |- W
) ?' h8 x. q N mIn no case will any gap between the top surface of the mattress support and the bottom of the lower horizontal rail be permitted. * c; h9 j, ^: r5 k
/ u. g( t3 Z* Q( vFor the purposes of this paragraph, any ledge or projection with a depth dimension greater than 1 centimeter (3/8 inch) shall constitute a toehold.
4 ]# g' j/ O! G2 q, s1 c9 b6 s+ M) b* e6 o5 j8 ~0 U
& e! L, c$ S; Y2 ~( V2 M高手请指教:4 v, |! D9 F& }2 |* V
4 m! ~1 ~& F: W/ Y' V是不是说床垫20 in下(豁免3 in高度以下的),有突出1 cm的平面就是当作脚踏突出物,就Fail ?
; z- Q. Z" \& @3 k1 m4 i0 Q/ N那对这个突出物的宽度有没有要求,多宽才算?3 G( s% F t# v! {& f. j
请那位兄弟,发表一下这点要求的个人见解,thanks much |