0 C$ p5 {2 n) E" M9 U4.1 General (see A.3)
8 W5 e2 d3 @) L, ?7 c5 J6 `" S# {* [The following materials shall not be used in the manufacture of toys:% Y, j) x, v' F: f
celluloid (cellulose nitrate), except when used in varnish, paint or glue, or in balls of the type used for table tennis or similar games, and materials with the same behaviour in fire as celluloid. Specific materials to whichthe test flame is applied in order to check compliance of the toy with requirements in 4.2 to 4.5 are consideredto comply with this requirement if the toy meets its appropriate requirements in 4.2 to 4.5;; A1 y u" X. b3 U
% D- a9 i- s: o- V% Q3 D* u- n ^
/ r. V5 z; r' o: q3 k( D按照上面的内容判断:except when used in varnish, paint or glue, or in balls of the type used for table tennis or similar games, 4 U, \5 Z8 j4 U$ x* r! r
1)乒乓球用赛璐璐或类似材料是允许的$ C2 A/ P: O! x$ P- f% H
" G( F% {( M& ]2 ^& A$ ]0 k8 z
% C8 ^8 x3 J; Z谢谢指教 |