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[玩具召回] Children Hooded Sweatshirts and Jackets Recalled

发表于 2009-11-19 11:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Name of Product: Youth Hooded Sweatshirts and Jackets
: q9 ?% K1 ^& Q# O" e, l6 J+ aUnits: About 17,0006 @8 W- M2 g3 K6 Y
U.S. Manufacturer/Importer: Century 21 Promotions, of Seattle, Wash.0 o' a" S- g, Z9 [! G5 [
Hazard: The sweatshirts have a drawstring through the hood which can pose a strangulation hazard to children. In February 1996, CPSC issued [url=http://www.cpsc.gov/CPSCPUB/PUBS/208.pdf]guidelines
(pdf) to help prevent children from strangling or getting entangled on the neck and waist drawstrings in upper garments, such as jackets or sweatshirts.
- P! h( ^0 _1 Z* @5 y5 I) AIncidents/Injuries: None reported.
/ U& {! l/ _& N; G: i2 SDescription: This recall involves children抯 sweatshirts and jackets sold in sizes XS ?XXL in colors: navy blue, black, brown, pink, red, white, green, grey, blue, yellow, and orange. The recalled garments contain the following embroidered logos: 揗ontauk,?揂valon,?揝tone Harbor,?揅ape May,?揝ea Isle,?揙cean City,?揂laska,?揘antucket,?揗aine,?揕ong Beach Island,?揕avallette,?揝easide Park,?揘ewport,?揗onterey,?揅armel,?揝kaneateles,??000 Islands,?揃lock Island?and 揝eattle.?/p>
/ X9 k9 a% j+ p) q6 ySold at: The following retail and gift shops: Montauk Clothing, Riptide East, Shirt Shops of Cape May, Summer Sweats, Rip Current Sportswear, B&B Dept. Stores, Trapper Jack抯, Annie & The Tees, Emporium, Inc., The Trading Co., Mackerel Jack抯, Carmel Classics, Rolands, The Ship Gift Shop, Star Dept. Store, Seattle Shirt and Simply Seattle from September 2005 through September 2009 for between $25 and $35. Most stores are located in New England with two stores each in Seattle, Washington and Alaska.
1 M% P; a) W% S, m8 UManufactured in: China* R- H5 J% ]* x
Remedy: Consumers should immediately remove the drawstrings from the sweatshirts to eliminate the hazard, or return the garment to the place of purchase for a full refund.
2 E0 v) P3 d7 ~) d; _: IConsumer Contact: For additional information, contact Century 21 Promotions at (800) 935-2100 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. PT Monday through Friday.9 X3 |6 n) B5 y. @# v9 e
( ~. N9 A' n5 B( ^0 i% I
" |: q- o$ L# `# |- |' L5 U
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