澳洲通訊及媒體管理局(ACMC)根據2009年的公開討論做出一項原則性的決議,要將現有的多項符合性標章整合成! \7 P. M2 N4 N$ v7 `
包括電信、無線電通訊、電磁相容與電磁輻射(EME)技術要求在內的單一符合性標章,即RCM(意謂法規符合性% ~% U" D8 y$ q8 l) r3 G5 K
7 `$ q1 C" ~: A! X5 z. t, m" {5 e9 N7 Y) q2 m
+ a% V% |; Q( p9 {; }/ f標章,A-tick與C-tick將在三年後淘汰,而已貼上A-tick或C-tick標章的產品在過渡期結束後不用重換標章。
# O( ]# F7 b8 D- ]% {; f. }* v* p' h9 t$ X+ m1 ~
單一符合性標章的實施可減少標章的複雜性、節省了解或符合這些標章要求的時間,進而減輕產業界在認證流程上5 W8 O% g* M1 o1 f
( g0 J/ a$ P# j% S! b# D
* u$ r0 u/ k8 v' u# ?* [配合RCM的實施,相關的無線電通訊、電信、電磁相容(EMC)與電磁輻射(EME, SAR)之符合性與標籤標示手冊+ p" t, h2 l1 @% i, b9 A7 R
, W( m5 K( A8 ^, i4 i. \! a8 X, ^( @) K2 m
關於RCM標章:RCM標章 = C-tick + 安規
8 j6 ]2 e8 H# ^3 y$ P- ^- J先前RCM標章是C-tick的替代標章,但不是A-tick的電信符合性替代標章,假如廠商在其產品貼上RCM標章,他也必須
% b, y+ E; c1 A' h+ \7 ~9 k符合AS/NZS 4417對於電氣安全的相關要求。AS/NZS 4417由下列各章節組成:
( B& `9 h) i8 [* e: h- a• AS/NZS 4417.1 – 標章使用的一般規定 ! c% h. F1 H! b. u" G* F
• AS/NZS 4417.2 – 電氣安全之特定要求 , E4 n6 { X& z) I
• AS/NZS 4417.3 – 電磁相容之特定要求
& L. a7 a! F7 {! R) { }• AS/NZS 4417.4 – 無線電裝置之特定要求% E+ P) _ u+ D2 n8 u9 `# F
; g3 Q! X5 G" }: ?$ l5 C ?
RCM符合性標籤8 {. ~! s0 A7 l& W) d0 ?
RCM符合性標籤由RCM與廠商代碼(SCN)兩部份組成。7 @5 C2 y& a; M9 s. }
, @2 J0 N: ]. _: v. L7 Z 5 A3 \% M3 ?- S0 Y6 @
RCM 廠商代碼
1 I8 w/ l3 X. n" r5 g/ L
7 y7 g0 r6 o. a& }說明:上例字首為N的廠商代碼為澳洲通訊及媒體管理局所核發,若由澳洲標準協會(SA)所核發者,則沒有字首N' D5 s4 ?3 {4 V8 a, ?# p2 z
,而只有數字部份而已。4 }' m. y8 l! J6 k+ ]+ f- _7 W, U; H6 K" D( P
8 ]: ^/ y6 _ A: a# ?& x8 l5 D$ q, C1 k3 D0 L" y7 X) I- Q1 Z
2 t- U1 w- q8 ~" Z& hAustralia & New Zealand’s C-tick and A-tick marks will be replaced with RCM mark in July 2012 2011 November 8
0 s) N4 k+ d7 \8 Q8 C; f6 x6 m0 H+ l5 F
Following a public discussion period in 2009, the ACMA (Australian Communications and Media Authority) has made an in-principle$ o5 ^% ^( {/ C" ]! Z
decision to consolidate the existing compliance marks into a single consolidated compliance mark (the RCM, Regulatory Compliance Mark)
k( a2 |( r6 Qcovering telecommunications, radiocommunications, EMC and EME technical requirements.
1 ] _3 Z$ V/ V5 R' L4 _5 d
+ U' b, h! W1 c8 j vSubject to final ACMA approval, from 1 July 2012 all ACMA Labelling Notices will specify the RCM as the compliance mark to indicate2 B6 X" E) M6 ]
compliance with applicable regulatory requirements. The A-tick and C-tick will be phased out over a period of three years. Devices already
# R% a+ l. Z4 vlabelled with the A-Tick or C-Tick at the end of the transition period will not be required to be relabelled.
/ x, H/ W% X4 J' L. N/ }' y( j! O! O2 J, Y
The implementation of a consolidated compliance mark will lessen some industry administrative burdens by reducing the complexity of the0 f/ ]' u6 g0 k f' V
compliance marking arrangements and the time required to understand and meet those arrangements. Simpler marking arrangements1 O# y6 b9 \' D1 P: `' m" t, `$ I' }
should also increase the likelihood of compliance and so improve regulatory outcomes.
- c% G; V2 n" {. v7 E* G: i; H$ u- @# G, f
The compliance & labeling booklets for Radiocommunications, Telecommunications, EMC and EME (SAR) will be revised later on as part
+ J8 j" l' ]2 s) bof the implementation of the RCM as the consolidated mark (Please refer to http://www.acma.gov.au/WEB/STANDARD..PC/pc=PC_300427).* ^# T! X+ d w4 U& W
* c0 T% {! O( VAbout RCM mark: RCM mark = C-tick + Safety
! w+ z& S- M% p* y3 SCurrently, RCM mark is an alternative mark to C-tick but is not an alternative mark to A-tick telecommunications compliance mark. If a
. v; y) L/ E( i8 n0 j& U7 t6 C5 X' q* Usupplier is labeling a product with the RCM mark, the supplier must comply with the requirements of AS/NZS 4417 (Electricity Safety).
& s! }% S3 L$ @ R" |& b) tAS/NZS 4417 includes the following sections: + l0 o5 J! u& C# `8 Y9 K9 {6 p
• AS/NZS 4417.1 – general rules for use of the mark / N1 p2 c: G2 t( N- W3 ~
• AS/NZS 4417.2 – specific requirements for electrical safety regulatory applications
; a& I L. L& a' l U1 |3 I• AS/NZS 4417.3 – specific requirements for electromagnetic compatibility regulatory applications ) p1 {: w# `4 u
• AS/NZS 4417.4 – specific requirements for radio apparatus regulatory applications' w7 S! U" C, h% o
5 q+ R$ [, o" Q& }3 pRCM compliance label
; S- G! K5 O4 {$ q4 m7 wThe RCM compliance label consists of the RCM and the supplier code number (SCN).
; l# W( f9 G$ G% y1 c) ~" W
2 D0 \, C3 W+ V1 T 3 o L: D* i0 _/ `- V1 A2 t. p* ]
+ { x( k7 h, v- M+ F( k" W. m6 P$ t5 K
Note: the SCN with an N prefix, showed in the example above, is issued by the ACMA. Those issued by Standards Australia do not use an
9 g7 i' y+ T8 u& gN prefix and will therefore be just numbers. |