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[综合话题] 绝缘系统的概念

发表于 2007-11-9 11:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
绝缘系统只是UL中对变压器的要求中才用到这个词吗?7 f/ T. ^; D- g9 G# X

5 S2 L2 O$ J% ]2 \) ~还有什么地方会用到?其他元器件会用到吗?
  L6 }. ]5 |3 `9 K8 z% G绝缘系统到底是什么意思?
发表于 2007-11-9 16:50 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-11-9 22:41 | 显示全部楼层
绝缘系统请参考IEC 60085, 主要是以构成材料的温度来分类
/ I. v/ ^4 P% n' A但UL则不同,必须由变压器厂申请符合UL 1446标准 (OBJS2, OBJY2...)
发表于 2007-11-10 07:06 | 显示全部楼层
绝缘系统定义(UL1446):2 a% I; M. N) Q0 }- M4 K
4.5 INSULATION SYSTEM – A unique intimate combination of two or more insulating materials used in
  G( r: Y  D/ }' m8 J  ]/ e; x0 Melectrical equipment. One example of this is the combination of magnet wire, ground insulation, varnish, lead wire insulations, and outer wrapping of a coil. These intimate combinations are evaluated as
  F+ z' n. F) ?# [unique groups. When multiple groups exist, either within a given insulation system or a different. R5 y8 E3 y6 @( ^4 Q. y: l
insulation system, components of one unique group shall not be added to another unique group.4 N# l3 E* L2 v, j- o0 a6 Y  y
However, more than one group is able to be used within a single device when at least a 3.05 mm
( S* u5 L1 ]7 c/ `7 k* ~& l(0.125 inch) air space is used to separate them. Any material or component existing outside the outer+ E0 c) z, u# t/ ^: k! z
wrap of the device or not in contact with the windings is not determined to be part of the insulation
1 F# K  e# ^5 `system.
发表于 2008-10-15 14:33 | 显示全部楼层
引用第3楼caballo3157于2007-11-10 07:06发表的  :& Q2 Z0 F8 J+ R8 \4 @
绝缘系统定义(UL1446):" B; F- u; R$ J
4.5 INSULATION SYSTEM – A unique intimate combination of two or more insulating materials used in
6 K/ L" {* B  Y: W! i0 @electrical equipment. One example of this is the combination of magnet wire, ground insulation, varnish, lead wire insulations, and outer wrapping of a coil. These intimate combinations are evaluated as
/ W' O; i2 F( Z; o* L, ?unique groups. When multiple groups exist, either within a given insulation system or a different- k' U$ v1 A( _6 o7 I9 G& @
insulation system, components of one unique group shall not be added to another unique group.
; H% I/ Q* L/ K8 r.......
发表于 2008-10-15 14:45 | 显示全部楼层
应该不只是变压器吧 一些发动机(电机??)也是由绝缘系统材料组成的....
发表于 2009-3-10 14:14 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-3-10 14:20 | 显示全部楼层
引用第0楼zihui于2007-11-09 11:19发表的 绝缘系统的概念 :# O- U4 G2 ~  S6 J9 R: a3 t" K8 V
; E1 }& r- T$ p. ]- k, }9 N3 ]2 a5 s
还有什么地方会用到?其他元器件会用到吗?: e, K, X8 n, P* V* d

* n% I+ z1 D" R/ }% O7 J4 t& Z* w
2 G6 q" N. a3 K7 e5 J/ ]
$ ]5 O) ~- l4 ^9 Q/ g& o9 ~绝缘系统除了变压器,还有电机、开关电源等多有要求的。8 O0 P8 ~6 m$ e; P3 r
基本来说,这样的系统是一些材料组合,并经广泛的测试证明在一定的温度或 "级别"上, 以及在具体的材料厚度上, 它们非常适合于电器用途。- e) {$ T  ~1 C7 g* ]* I
例如, 在设计变压器或马达时, 历来有两种基本方法选择产品采用的材料:使用的电线、绝缘胶布和热塑料 的选择既可采用识别各自的材料温度性能这种方法(如每一种材料自身的UL RTI), 也可采用集中式EIS识别 这种方法。 后一种方法是测量所选择的材料组合如何在一个共同环境中一起工作。
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