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[短文] Networking 人脉建设

发表于 2011-12-29 10:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
       You're probably familiar with thenecessity of networking in advancing your career. But how well younetwork often depends on how well you schmooze。  你应该很清楚地知道关系网在推动你事业进步中的重要性。但是一般来说,你的关系网完美与否是由你的交际能力决定的。
  Successful schmoozing isn'tglad-handing or insincere sucking up -- although expressing since readmiration can be an important schmooze tactic. Instead, it's thegrease that starts the wheels of networking。
  Schmoozing is nothing more than makingcasual, easygoing conversation with strangers, Networking is the art ofthe follow-up. When you have the schmoozing down, your networking canbe effective。
  But starting a casual conversationwith a stranger -- especially when that stranger has the power to boostyour career -- can be nerve-wracking for even the most outgoing people。
  Experts have some recommendations formaking business schmoozing natural, enjoyable, and effortless (or atleast appear that way):
  1. Investigate。
  Find out who in your profession orrelated profession could be good to know, and learn more about them. Agood start is to find out if they have an online presence, such associal and professional networking sites。
  If you know they're going to beat tending a professional event, find a way to attend. And if you learn that person shares an interest with you, say, a love of a sports teamor hobby, that's great knowledge you can use to start a conversation。
  2. Go beyond the usual suspects。
  Plenty of professionals want to meet the CEO, CIO, or C-whoever-can-help. But often those people are deluged with requests, are harder to approach, and may be too high up to advance your career。
  Experts recommend schmoozing administrative assistants. They're the gate keepers in most businesse sand may have valuable information on the inner workings of the organization. But you always want to project professionalism and good etiquette when schmoozing administrative assistants。
  3. Schmooze well before you need something。
  If you want the other person to setyou up with a job or a new business after a two-minute conversation,set your sights lower. You don't want to look desperate。
  Schmoozing should be a warm-up,establishing contact and making the person feel comfortable with youlong before you ask for something. The time between initial schmoozeand asking for what you really want could be up to six months。
  4. Prepare a short self-introduction。
  Forget the 15-second "elevator speech"you've heard about. In less than nine seconds you should give the benefit of what you do, but not the title. If you say something like "I make sure people have a roof over their heads," it will arousecuriosity and encourage them to ask a question. It's also a good idea tolink your self-introduction to the event。
  5. Focus on the other person。
  Studies show that when you ask peoplequestions about themselves, they come away from the conversation with amore favorable impression of you. Then again, don't play 20 questions.If they aren't interested in engaging at all, have a polite exitstrategy and move on. And remember, if you are uncomfortable talkingwith strangers, your new contact may be just as uncomfortable。
  6. Stoke the ego, but don't suck up。
  It's a fine line between expressingadmiration and being obsequious. If you want to give a compliment,whether it's on someone's shoes or their recently published article,try to be genuine and don't gush. If you're not sure how to useflattery well, practice with a friend who can give you feedback。
  Good schmoozing opens the possibilityof future contact. If a conversation goes well, ask for a businesscard. If the other person doesn't want to be contacted, don't take itpersonally. If they provide their information, send a quick,conversational email two days later to remind them about yourconversation。
  Then you can ask politely for a smallfavor. You can say, 'I've been interested in learning more about X, andI would love to hear from you if you have some ideas.' A request likethat is not big enough to put them on the defensive。

 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-29 10:42 | 显示全部楼层
其实有时候,"做人"比"做事"更重要,do you agree?
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