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[短文] 人工智能也有性别:Siri为啥是女的?

发表于 2012-1-17 09:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Why Siri And Most Other Computer Voices Are Female

        If you ask Siri what gender it is, the iPhone 4S personal assistant doesn't give a clear answer. But many have assumed from its tone that Siri is female (in most countries anyway -- in France and the UK, Siri's voice is masculine).   
     如果你使用苹果iPhone 4S的语音功能Siri,问它是男是女,它可能不会给你明确的答案。但是,通过Siri的音调来判断,大多数人认为它是女的(在大多数国家Siri用的是女声,在法国和英国用的是男声)。
      From GPS devices to voicemail boxes, most computerized voices are female. The reason likely boils down to psychology.      
      Scientific studies have found that humans prefer the sound of a woman's voice to a man's. The preference begins at an early age too.  Stanford University professor Clifford Nass cites a study in which fetuses react to their mother's voice, but not to other female voices or their father's voice.      
      Is there another possible reason for all of the female computer voices?   
      Our history, says CNN's Brandon Griggs. "According to some sources, the use of female voices in navigation devices dates back to World War II, when women's voices were employed in airplane cockpits because they stood out among the male pilots. And telephone operators have traditionally been female, making people accustomed to getting assistance from a disembodied woman's voice."      
 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-17 09:42 | 显示全部楼层
Scientific studies have found that humans prefer the sound of a woman's voice to a man's. The preference begins at an early age too.  Stanford University professor Clifford Nass cites a study in which fetuses react to their mother's voice, but not to other female voices or their father's voice.     
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