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[短文] 带自行车进地铁受阻 嚣张"律师姐"掌掴警察

发表于 2012-4-23 10:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Prevented From Taking Bicycle Onto Subway, Did Arrogant "Lawyer Sister" Actually Slap a Police Officer?            On the Beijing subway during the morning peak period, a woman violated rules by carrying a bike into the station, then ignored the guards and instead shouted "I am a lawyer, in the United States I can bring a bike on the subway!" After her outburst, she then attempted to claim the police officer hit her and violated her personal freedom, to which the surrounding crowd responded with booing and criticism.
      In the video, the woman, who is in her twenties or thirties, can be seen wearing a gray suit. Opposite her stands three police dressed in police uniforms, one of whom recorded video evidence throughout. The woman says: "I am not your law enforcement target, why do you limit my personal freedom?" A man in the crowd wearing a white shirt responded that he personally witnessed her slapping the police officer earlier. After arguing in turn with other people in the crowd, the woman continuously made cellphone calls. In order to not affect the order of the subway, the police proposed going to the police station, but the woman refused. She said she did not do anything wrong, the administrative law do not require that she need go to the police station. "The subway rules are only its internal regulations, they cannot be used to restrict my basic rights, and can not violate my property rights."
            A passenger witness surnamed Yang told reporters that when police first took out their camera to take evidence, the woman suddenly rushed forward and slapped the police in the mouth. The police who was hit then grabbed her right arm, while another police held her left arm.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-23 10:09 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-4-23 12:27 | 显示全部楼层
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