The vessel is dropped 10 times onto each cooking zone. It is removed and the appliance is operated at rated power input until steady conditions are established.' U/ V+ t3 |4 v7 M. q M' S
A quantity of 1L of water containing approximately 1 % NaCl is poured steadily over the hotplate.6 E9 v+ P: q1 X! F
The appliance is then disconnected from the supply. After 15 min, all excess liquid is removed and the appliance is allowed to cool to approximately room temperature. The same quantity of the saline solution is poured over the hotplate after which excess liquid is removed again., ~8 z @; _, C( N4 |/ N# c
The surface of the hotplate shall not be broken and the appliance shall withstand the electric strength test of 16.3." Z$ ~/ u. w/ g- w- d
用1.8kg的铝容器跌落测试后经受1L盐水的溢出测试,然后检查面板是否有损坏,再打耐压判断是否合格。 |