小米 发表于 2012-11-7 19:15

DSH 642 Markings

http://decisions.iecee.org/icons/ecblank.gif DSH 642

6.1.1 q)

Standard(s)-(year and edition):
IEC 61643-1, 2nd edition, 2005-03
Sub clause(s):
6.1.1 q)
DSH 642
Key words:
- marking
- frequency
Approved by the 45th CTL plenary meeting 2008
Is it acceptable to mark only the type of current (e.g. a.c. or ~), but without giving the frequency?
The standard itself limits to the frequency range of 48-62 Hz a.c.:
2.1.1 Frequency: frequency of the supply mains is between 48 Hz and 62 Hz a.c.
The marking requirement in the English IEC version reads:
6.1.1 q) Type of current: a.c. frequency or d.c., or both
The marking requirement in the French IEC version reads:
6.1.1 q) Le type de courant: alternatif, continu ou les deux
This means only the English IEC version requires to mark the frequency.
YES, it is acceptable to mark only the type of current (e.g. a.c. or ~) without giving the frequency, as the frequency is limited to the range of 48-62 Hz anyway and there is no safety implication.

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