新人求助-请问LED 埋地灯的最低防护等级(欧规)应该是??
能出到德国吗? EN60598-2-13(埋地灯)
13.13 Resistance to dust, solid objects and moisture
The provisions of Section 9 of IEC 60598-1 apply, together with the following:
The order of the tests specified in Section 9 of IEC 60598-1 shall be replaced by the order
given in 13.12
Luminaires shall meet at least both IP65 and IP67 requirements.
埋地灯的最低要求是IP65. 同时,你的灯具做不过IP65的原因在哪里,是入线口进水还是别的原因?不说明的话,大家也帮不上忙. EN30598-2-13中有说明
For IPX7, the luminaire shall be mounted as in normal use and operated until the maximum
glass cover temperature measured during the thermal test is attained; then the luminaire shall
be switched off and immediately immersed in water, according to 9.2.8 of IEC 60598-1. This
test is not required if the manufacturer gives the clear indication that the luminaire is to be
mounted in conjunction with drainage, then the luminaire has only to meet IP65,
若客户指明产品要与排水装置一起安装使用,则不用要求IP67,满足IP65即可. 谢谢了!现在又有了新的问题,因为我们的变压器的防护等级为IP44,所以整灯的证书只能拿IP44 的证书?他们说是我们的灯头密封圈太细了,请问如果拿这样的证书(IP44)等级的埋地灯在德国能销售吗?他们给出的理由充分吗?他们说会在测试报告中注明我们的灯还是说明可以达到IP65的,小弟刚刚入行不久,希望各位前辈能够多多的指导,我怎么觉的有种被人忽悠的感觉?????? 各位请帮忙啊!