EN60598-2-13(埋地灯)3 {) P7 b, e2 _% S# U2 Y- J# _- m
13.13 Resistance to dust, solid objects and moisture
4 z& t0 u% t0 JThe provisions of Section 9 of IEC 60598-1 apply, together with the following:
+ B9 W' s' i; I* Y$ u5 k! uThe order of the tests specified in Section 9 of IEC 60598-1 shall be replaced by the order
0 U6 {' \9 A3 C% ~, tgiven in 13.12
( R2 p- U$ O sLuminaires shall meet at least both IP65 and IP67 requirements., H6 a; m: B: n" F, q! D
埋地灯的最低要求是IP65. 同时,你的灯具做不过IP65的原因在哪里,是入线口进水还是别的原因?不说明的话,大家也帮不上忙. |