弹指一挥uu 发表于 2019-4-3 14:27

li123co 发表于 2019-4-3 09:36
这个是符合这个标准要求的属于,但是还有大部分不属于这个标准的,比如市场上很多快充5V5A的,很容易就超 ...


弹指一挥uu 发表于 2019-4-3 14:31

sevenson 发表于 2019-4-3 13:21


sevenson 发表于 2019-4-28 16:54

弹指一挥uu 发表于 2019-4-3 14:31
对使用了快充技术的产品,毫无疑问,应该按照PS2来评估,而且由于这些端口也都满足PIS的特征,是必须要有 ...

学习了,也就是说USB供电的产品通过输入功率就可以判定产品是PS1还是PS2,不超过15W的基本是普通的USB PSE,属于PS1;超过15W的基本上使用了快充协议,属于PS2?

sunny.yang 发表于 2019-5-6 22:49

pspis 看不懂,学习

sunny.yang 发表于 2019-6-25 16:20

li123co 发表于 2019-3-29 14:00
既然默认满足LPS,肯定是按照PS2。但是会存在电阻性PIS,在PIS范围内的可燃性材料需要满足距离的要求或者使 ...
这里不是说V-1 可以吗
comply with the following flammability requirements:
requirements of the relevant IEC component standard; or
be made of V-1 class material, VTM-1 class material or HF-1 class foamed
material, or comply with IEC 60695-11-5. Severities are identified in Clause S.2.

li123co 发表于 2019-6-25 16:47

sunny.yang 发表于 2019-6-25 16:20
这里不是说V-1 可以吗
comply with the following flammability requirements:
requirements of the re ...

V-1是有前提条件的。距离需要满足。 Separation of a PIS from a fire enclosure and a fire barrier
A fire enclosure or fire barrier made of combustible material shall:
– have a minimum distance of 13 mm to an arcing PIS; and
– have a minimum distance of 5 mm to a resistive PIS.
Smaller distances are allowed provided that the part of the fire enclosure or fire barrier within
the required separation distance complies with one of the following:
– the fire enclosure or fire barrier meets the needle-flame test according to
IEC 60695-11-5. Severities are identified in Clause S.2. After the test, the fire enclosure
or fire barrier material shall not have formed any holes that are bigger than allowed in or as appropriate; or
– the fire enclosure or fire barrier is made of V-0 class material.

sunny.yang 发表于 2019-6-27 08:51

li123co 发表于 2019-6-25 16:47
V-1是有前提条件的。距离需要满足。 Separation of a PIS from a fire enclosure and a fire ba ...


zkzkzk07 发表于 2020-12-3 16:42

弹指一挥uu 发表于 2019-4-3 14:31
对使用了快充技术的产品,毫无疑问,应该按照PS2来评估,而且由于这些端口也都满足PIS的特征,是必须要有 ...

有款产品输出口是20V5A 100W,是不是不满足62368标准要求了

ljh809809 发表于 2020-12-7 15:31


ljh809809 发表于 2020-12-7 15:32

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查看完整版本: USB供电的产品做62368第6章节属于PS1还是PS2 电路?