millychen 发表于 2008-12-24 14:50




125279706 发表于 2009-4-10 16:00

Information of Commodity RPC/VPC factory inspection
及自願性產品驗證工廠檢查作業要點”制定此說明資料。This information is
prepared according to “Commodity RPC/VPC factory inspection procedure” and
“Commodity RPC/VPC factory inspection operation guidance”
查。Applicable Subject: Anyone who like to apply module 7 (factory inspection) of RPC
and VPC factory inspection
3.申請作業Application process:
(一) 受理窗口:財團法人台灣電子檢驗中心(簡稱ETC)產品安全試驗部國際
Contact window: International Affairs Section of Product Safety Testing Dept. of
Electronics Testing Center, Taiwan
地點:桃園縣龜山鄉樂善村文明路29 巷8 號
Address: No. 8, Lane 29, Weng-Ming Rd., Lo-Shan Tsun, Kui-Shan Hsiang, Taoyuan,
人員:鄭淵文課長 (ext.557)
李子慶組長 (ext.354)
葉江河組長 (ext.556)
陳惠民組長 (ext.354)
徐姵沛小姐 (ext.556)
Person in charge: Henry chen (Section manager, ext. 557,
Arkin Lee (Group Leader, ext. 354,
Herman Yeh (Group Leader, ext. 557,
Tony Chen (Group Leader, ext. 354,
Peipei Hsu (Assistant, ext. 556,
TEL No.: 03-3280026
FAX No.:03-3276175, 03-3276196
(二) 需檢附下列文件(The following documents should be provided prior to
project establishment)
(1) 工廠檢查申請書。(Application form of factory inspection)
(2) 工廠基本資料表。(Fundamental information of factory)
(3) 工廠位置圖。(Location map of factory)
(4) 工廠平面配置圖。(Layout diagram of factory)
(5) 製造流程圖。(Manufacturing flow chart)
(6) 檢測方法概要。(Brief inspection/testing method)
(7) 產品之型式試驗報告或已申請型式試驗之證明文件。(Type test
report or already test applied proof)
(8) 代理國外生產廠場申請工廠檢查者,應檢附委任書及證明文
件。(Letter of Authorization for Application of factory inspection
and relevant proof document)
(9) 其他經標準檢驗局指定之文件。(Other document required by
(10) 經濟部標準檢驗局或其認可之CNS12680 系列品質管理系統
登錄證書。(IS09001 certificate issued by BSI or approved
certification body)
前(3)~(9)項若為外文者,ETC 得要求申請人加附中文譯本。
(ETC may ask for document with Chinese translation if document for item
3-8 are in foreign words)
(11) 項非必要文件,但若提供的話,得免檢查部分項目。
(Document for Item 10 is not necessary document)
(三) 受理時,即需核對申請資料,有不齊全時可視情形於執行初次工廠檢
查前提供給本中心。(We’ll review all your sent document when handling, if not
complete, we’ll not establish project, however in some cases, we can accept
establishing this application, but applicant must make it complete before our factory
inspection execution)
(四) 收費依本中心之規定。(Inspection fee will follow our center’s requirement)
(Inspection man-day will depend on the applied product category (ies)/factory employees
and confirmed with applicant)
5.檢查項目:(Audit Items)
(1) 符合製程要求之製造設備。(Manufacturing equipment in
compliance with manufacturing process requirement)
(2) 符合採購規範之主要零組件及原料。(Critical component/material
in compliance with purchase regulation)
(3) 符合製程需求之製造流程。(Manufacturing in compliance with
Manufacturing process requirement
(4) 基本檢測設備。(Elementary inspection/testing equipment)
(5) 專業檢測人員訓練。(Inspection/testing specialist training)
(6) 測試設備之校正。(Calibration of inspection/testing equipment)
(7) 檢驗與測試執行情形;。(Execution of inspection/testing)
(8) 消費者服務及顧客抱怨之處理。(Complaint handling of
(9) 已驗證產品之情形與變更。(Change and status of certified product)
(10) 經濟部標準檢驗局對個別商品種類訂定之工廠檢查特定要
求。)Other special requirement from BSMI for specific product)
6.初次工廠檢查結果符合規定者,將發給工廠檢查報告。(Inspection certificate will
be issued after positive review of initial factory inspection)
排,原則上每年至少一次,但情況特殊者得增加檢查次數。(Factory registered
under RPC with factory inspection report must be inspected periodically, once per year in
the minimum; however inspection frequency can be increased in some special situation)
時進行測試。(During performing follow up inspection, sample request is required to
check the consistency with original product type as mentioned in module 2, also test
conduction if necessary.)
9.此說明資料有不清楚處請再與受理窗口確認。(if any incomplete, you can contact
the windows directly for confirmation)
页: [1]
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