1. The number shall consist of five sections separated by the ‘*’ character.
8 Q& c6 b+ r# L3 ISection 1: the lower case letter ‘e’ followed by the distinguishing letter
, D7 A3 P, @6 e# f* g+ b0 {(s) or number of the Member State issuing the approval:+ n9 C( U: N) c4 z4 Q
) S% q+ T, M7 F" Q# {3 k1 for Germany+ q( x( s3 Y+ g6 P/ E& g
2 for France- s0 P) C% F. W) c# Z" p
3 for Italy
2 u* D, y* d% M' ~4 b4 z4 for the Netherlands' ]# m/ F) h6 C8 {
5 for Sweden
. b) E0 |. {$ d% H+ H$ r6 for Belgium
- l! c8 {) ]8 u/ `2 @) _7 for Hungary+ Q4 _, ]" ^( h7 s
8 for the Czech Republic
5 K% t' C; s/ k( \ D9 for Spain
; ] `6 Z' x3 [11 for the United Kingdom
+ L. z* d0 _# a12 for Austria) F6 E; y* {8 [* T# j3 P6 s
13 for Luxembourg7 ~) p1 L* B' r& E% Z
17 for Finland5 N* V, t4 S# J. T
18 for Denmark
) Q! a0 L% k; s6 ^% ~# M4 Y) @19 for Romania, @; T% {; u; A! e. i1 K7 x4 `5 R
20 for Poland+ P& T! [6 c2 k! w
21 for Portugal
6 p5 A$ V0 K0 C# H9 F: z8 ]23 for Greece: {' Z" o% G- L7 m
24 for Ireland6 q6 P5 {1 s6 M/ {& b4 M) D+ d! V
26 for Slovenia
/ [/ }$ }( j. w4 m( h27 for Slovakia3 e5 R {6 J" ?. I; d
29 for Estonia& B4 T' g: W# U' Y' i; x
32 for Latvia
) Q7 k& w; [3 g' b L* |3 `34 for Bulgaria( t7 c# b( q; P) u
36 for Lithuania0 b4 F7 c: R: X8 ]; x3 V- S; d
CY for Cyprus- i: ~2 O; ~4 B
MT for Malta
6 [- F) R' J( N& p$ S/ p2 VSection 2: the number of this Directive. As it contains different implementation' S, p S' E- `$ x- W
dates and different technical standards, two alphabetical
3 p% W" q$ M6 ]* Echaracters are added. These characters refer to the
8 k; f! w7 w, [different application dates for the stages of severity and to
7 q- @" k& v/ e0 Nthe application of the engine for different specification of
2 X; l6 X, T+ N. @- d# Emobile machinery, on the basis of which type-approval was
/ b$ X* i* Y' p( O1 T/ mgranted. The first character is defined in Article 9. The, g3 ~# V! A1 U
second character is defined in Annex I, section 1 with( o B Y. F! K; X
regard to the test mode defined in Annex III, section 3.6.+ g c+ A7 U5 @7 f0 w1 J# I
Section 3: the number of the latest amending Directive applicable to the
: @" b7 O8 l) f( zapproval. If applicable two further alphabetical characters are
, E* f( g5 g1 G5 K- S2 {- P! wto be added depending on the conditions described in section% x9 U' r- H3 d6 B! e
2, even if as a result of the new parameters only one of the
5 h! m. w1 o c' w, [& |" t5 R# ~9 Echaracters was to be changed. If no change of these characters
9 k* l+ X$ C3 G: W; }) ^apply they shall be omitted.
1 `/ A/ c6 b0 |* I8 K( D2 \Section 4: a four-digit sequential number (with leading zeros as
8 C5 w& o( o2 N7 l* h6 h5 fapplicable) to denote the base approval number. The- m, N8 n% }" h" G# @+ X
sequence shall start from 0001.
# e) ^- y1 F4 E& s* r2 zSection 5: a two-digit sequential number (with a leading zero if: j0 `1 ]) D/ y3 P+ i
applicable) to denote the extension. The sequence shall! T2 j! h" R* b3 ^2 a4 }/ V
start from 01 for each base approval number.
$ B! {- [9 ?& ~6 v6 X$ I9 h2. Example for the third approval (with, as yet, no extension) corresponding to$ Y+ o' x; M. i" Q* C( P6 o' @
application date A (stage I, upper powerband) and to the application of the
1 D. a) C1 O& A/ T. Mengine for specification A of mobile machinery, issued by the United
: D4 C1 c3 W- G# F. t6 p0 CKingdom:
$ w x; O }* Re 11*98/…AA*00/000XX*0003*00
3 {* \- u8 D3 P3. Example of the second extension to the fourth approval corresponding to
V& c" V! j0 Y2 `application date E (stage II, medium powerband) for the same specification
" G0 l6 d# P. x; \/ bof machinery (A), issued by Germany:+ O1 X7 E; R Y9 B) ?; z3 N6 W, g* ^
e 1*01/…EA*00/000XX*0004*02 |