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[EMC] DSH 776 Measurement of harmonic current on lighting equipment

发表于 2012-9-4 16:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
DSH 776( l9 M5 k3 |4 T( i9 D
- y0 w9 {$ Z. U: [6 F3 I
Measurement of harmonic current on lighting equipment
/ {) G: O' d9 @! h# H5 ?
7.3a. @$ r1 U8 h3 D, a6 ^; X
- I6 B/ b0 N6 I+ S! O
5 z2 l( ^$ m  V# N8 @% y
Question:. w8 A  k1 n! x# S$ t" N
Clause 7.3 a) of IEC 61000-3-2 “Limits for Class C equipment with Active input power>25W” . The statement of this clause is: “For lighting equipment having an active input power greater than 25 W, the harmonic currents shall not exceed the relative limits given in Table 2. However, the limits given in Table 1 apply to incandescent lighting equipment that has built-in dimmers or consists of dimmers built in an enclosure”.
: X& m( R2 y6 K9 J- aIn case of an incandescent lighting appliance with built-in dimmer (the device is a dimmable electronic step-down converter and is entirely contained within the enclosure of a luminaire), which is the limit that we have to apply? Table 1 or Table 2?- h+ u% Z7 _; c6 C$ k# K( \
" I  X9 E0 `# d* }Limits done in Table 1 apply
# F& N- [1 Q! G; }3 X: {7 D. }& `: L7 [5 O4 l$ Q2 e
7 B" u- n( f6 O/ w$ y& b


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