MEPS Levels# a. F: ~1 I1 T/ Q
Energy performance requirements include the average efficiency (measured at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of rated output power) and consumption at no load. To meet MEPS, a power supply must meet or exceed the requirements for average efficiency, and meet or be lower than the no load thresholds, when tested according to AS/NZS 4665.1.2 e6 i: u# O2 g/ M! t
MEPS requirements are shown in Table 1 and Table 2 below:' v1 V$ C/ A* {+ J0 G) k, n
Table 1: MEPS required minimum efficiency level2 R1 ]9 ^2 T" M5 j: F+ b
Nameplate Power Output (Pno) Average Efficiency4 u6 C% V5 Q8 n8 J
0 to 1 watt ≥ 0.49 x Pno$ b$ z7 }# O0 `, @' _. Y: G
> 1 to 49 watts ≥ 0.09Ln(Pno)+0.490 ^. B# S7 X4 I$ u* q4 ]5 M. @; X, \
> 49 to 250 watts ≥ 0.84
: ~: |- F) R" C* g2 N9 \Where:
. O7 _6 n7 O; f m" }! `Pno is the nameplate output power of the Unit Under Test.
" C) Y9 d. f4 u" Z"Ln" refers to the natural logarithm (base e). The algebraic order of operations requires that the natural logarithm calculation be performed first.; U7 h8 o3 k* T( K# \
Table 2: MEPs required maximum no-load power (Watts)
3 x8 P9 V, V: @2 f2 u8 PNameplate Power Output (Pno) No Load Power
: q3 w& r: {2 T) OWatts AC-DC No Load Power4 [4 i7 \. m2 n; o7 x) ]
Watts AC-AC
+ Z: J: g/ z& Y; G" k0 to < 10 watts ≤ 0.5 N/A
* o' N+ Q3 _0 q) z4 s* o9 q10 to 250 watts ≤ 0.75 N/A
: T. i& e8 g. u1 R$ ~& f/ A G* FHigh Efficiency Levels+ M; ~, o2 C' M. Z0 C
Minimum efficiency levels for "High Efficiency Power Supplies", are shown in Table 3 below.2 @) O$ [1 O( i" R7 o, x
Table 3: Efficiency requirements for 'high efficiency' external power supplies
( G0 l) T; Y. B! l" ^Nameplate Power Output (Pno) Average Efficiency, U: U* ?0 p0 T L* Y6 R
0 to 1 watt ≥ 0.5 x Pno0 D* ?: e% D% `6 R/ [# V1 c" i
> 1 to 51 watts ≥ 0.09Ln(Pno)+0.58 @& \$ F. {% X3 o
> 51 to 250 watts ≥ 0.851 @' r! c1 \: H! p& b2 b
Where:) s: y& G$ I; s' Q0 V, S7 f
Pno is the nameplate output power of the Unit Under Test.
( A( R' x& x+ w$ M"Ln" refers to the natural logarithm (base e). The algebraic order of operations requires that the natural logarithm calculation be performed first.; w2 H: N8 `+ [7 }, J1 v
Table 4: High Efficiency requirements for maximum no-load power (Watts)7 \6 T; [; j5 P9 M6 r$ c. E' @( G
Nameplate Power Output (Pno) No Load Power
$ | Q( G( Z: `Watts
/ X% {6 n/ I+ p- L, d* E. J1 D" i0 to ≤ 250 watts ≤ 0.5
- n: b; Q7 q& H5 W2 H* [8 vEnergy Performance Mark
4 s b4 P3 J0 Z0 s7 |2 u9 bThe energy performance mark is an international initiative to assist regulators monitor compliance with AS/NZS 4665-2005. It will be mandatory from October 2008. |