家用的标准我这边只有2012年版的,是不是最新版有把tracking写进去。这版本上是没有的# [* n# J' y' e0 W8 r/ P# N( F
, I. u1 h/ F* P: V5 `0 q
但我在电动工具60745-1上有看到Tracking.而且并不是所有的绝缘材质都要做测试。要考虑工作条件的。/ x2 Q( A# Q1 Z( S2 ]/ g
q. \. \0 R- O4 U, s% uFor parts of insulating material used under severe or extra-severe duty conditions,
3 g( r( [# Q/ Z7 }compliance is checked by the proof tracking test referred to in Annex G.
) m- p5 H; \0 Y* v- UFor parts of insulating material used under normal duty conditions, and parts of ceramic" q/ h/ {% f: t# P7 @8 x$ C
material, no tracking test is made. |