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[电动工具] UL 987 bench grinder 问题

发表于 2008-3-29 22:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
手头碰到一个case,是一个8" bench grinder,它2头用的都是布轮,不是砂轮,所以也没有提供WHEEL GUARD和EYE GUARD.
+ M. v. b' T( R0 Q2 O! z9 X7 g2 @# i% O
; i' q; |+ C- W- u3 T8 Y1 y! @. Y* X- k1 E' d- E0 x
35.4 A grinder shall be provided with a wheel guard to reduce the risk of injury to persons in the event of wheel breakage.. c- l/ u3 l. G; {* N+ h, |8 P

8 ?& j4 Q( A9 D7 ?, o35.14 A grinder shall be provided with an eye shield employing clear, nonshattering material and mounted so that loosening of the grinding wheel guard is not necessary for adjustment of the shield. The eye shield of a grinder intended for use with grinding wheels more than 5 inches (127 mm) in diameter shall be such that the eye shield can be moved out of place for grinding large objects.
' ?* T. c. o1 m1 |) P2 j% B7 o' d" I5 f( E% S
我个人觉的这2个要求不适用与这种布轮类型的bench grinder,但我找不到免除条款.有高手能用标准原话指点下吗?
发表于 2008-3-31 15:47 | 显示全部楼层
这种标准里面没有考虑周全的产品建议直接和UL工程师协商解决方案, 毕竟最终是要他们认可的.
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