7 ?6 ~1 c! J/ e r- {4 `4.9.2 Insulated linings, sleeves and similar parts shall have adequate mechanical, electrical4 V/ R6 ?+ G4 y4 h) q# X
and thermal strength.
. L: t" O. T# G ]Compliance is checked by inspection, by manual test and by the electric strength test in
' p! W. e4 Z) jaccordance with section 10. The thermal properties of wire and sleeve are checked in
$ K8 ~: z4 B9 I4 I+ L/ w' J" ~accordance with section 12. Heat resistant sleeves used as covering for wires attaining a
9 Y; N5 J6 R f2 M4 W% Ftemperature exceeding the values given in Table 12.2 of section 12 shall comply with the
4 S' h9 [+ r# B( m' e2 X1 Vrequirements of IEC 60684, taking into account the temperature measured on the wire in
, H( m2 M) H/ iquestion. The sleeve shall be resistant to a temperature exceeding the temperature
: m0 O4 M# e" e) ^3 z3 V2 Emeasured on the wire by 20 °C or withstand the following test:
3 G0 \/ I. e3 qa) Three test specimens of the sleeve, about 15 cm in length, are subjected to the humidity
/ W. q; ?4 T: C* atest of 9.3 and subsequently to the insulation resistance and electric strength tests
( G# E; i) I, caccording to section 10. A suitable uninsulated copper conductor or metal rod is passed
% c2 l9 J. r! m. f/ U2 G4 ]4 \) p* ?through the specimens, and the outside is covered by a metal foil in such a way that no
! I+ |1 C$ C- @ c" g- z# yflashover at the ends of the samples can occur. The measurement of the insulation
3 ^- k0 X# o- `( c" x- J- U) wresistance and the electric strength test is then made between the copper' r; ^% z i! o; D* X
conductor/metal rod and the metal foil.
/ o" O6 l6 m& J% O8 x Gb) After the copper conductors/metal rods and metal foils have been removed, the
6 a+ p# d# E. I) U6 G4 Fspecimens are placed in a heating cabinet for 240 h at a temperature of T + 20 °C,: @8 a. R' w; m" B1 I6 r4 ~1 \. U
T being the measured temperature of the wire.
4 p. p0 |) ~4 }1 G1 Y$ l" _' Tc) The specimens are allowed to cool to room temperature and are then prepared as8 j) C8 d, g1 T
indicated under item a) above.( `& M6 { [! e' I$ G% {- q" [
Measurement of the insulation resistance and electric strength is then made between the
' o: U, {* S! M- M z0 w8 Y6 Lcopper conductor/metal rod and the metal foil.
3 J, [# K- K- h) R9 e7 a3 mCompliance is checked by the insulation resistance values and test voltages specified in
5 F* b1 F' F% d/ ]9 K7 zTables 10.1 and 10.2 in section 10.! G9 y' \0 K9 \7 W2 p
- J; b% [. V4 h1 q
问:是否只要套管的耐热温度高于电线实测温度20 °C,就不需要做电气强度测试。还是任何套管都要经过相应的电气强度测试,以满足Insulated linings, sleeves and similar parts shall have adequate mechanical, electrical,and thermal strength. |