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[翻译] 帮忙翻译

发表于 2008-5-21 13:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
DVB.1.5 The acceptability of a test circuit, including the generator or other source of supply, for testing with tungsten-filament lamps shall be determined by means of oscillograph studies. The current-inrush factor of eight mentioned in DVB.1.1 shall be based on a normal current flow of 20 A, and testing equipment that has adequate capacity at 20 A shall be acceptable for testing switches rated at more than 20 A. With reference to a 60 Hz timing wave, the peak value of the inrush current as shown by the oscillograms shall be attained within 1/4 cycle.

DVB.1.6 The characteristics of a d.c. test circuit shall be determined from 12 or more oscillograms. The testing equipment shall be considered acceptable if not less than, half the oscillograms show a current-inrush factor equal to or greater than the minimum acceptable current-inrush factor.

DVB.1.7 The characteristics of an a.c. test circuit shall be determined from 12 or more oscillograms. Oscillograms in which the absolute value of the current is decreasing (i.e.the value in question is approaching the zero point) shall be disregarded. The observed peak values of 12 or more oscillograms taken when the absolute value of the current is increasing shall be sufficient to determine whether the capacity of the test circuit is adequate to produce the required current-inrush factor.

DVB.1.8 A tungsten-filament-lamp load used as the load for a switch shall contain the smallest possible number of lamps having standard ratings of not more than 500 W. It is acceptable to use fewer lamps, as long as each one is rated more than 500 W. The OPERATING CYCLE shall be such that the lamps are off for at least 55 s of each test cycle. If a switch is operated at the rate of 10 cycles per minute, at least 10 banks of lamps controlled by a commutator shall be used for each switch under test.
发表于 2008-5-23 02:12 | 显示全部楼层
DVB.1.5 钨丝灯测试电路(包括发电机或其它供给源)的可接受性取决于对示波器的观察。DVB.1.1第八处提及的涌入电流基于20A的正常电流,测试设备在20A时应有足够的接受能力,其测试开关的额定值应高于20A。对于60Hz的定时波,涌入电流的峰值在1/4周期内就会出现在示波图上。
DVB.1.6 测试电路的d.c.(直流)特性由12条或更多的示波图来定。测试设备认定是可接受的,否则不行,半个示波图显示涌入电流等于或高于可接受的最小涌入电流。
DVB.1.7 测试电路的a.c.(交流)特性由12条或更多的示波图来定。电流绝对值渐减的示波图(即其值逐渐趋近于零)应被忽略。观察12条或更多示波图的峰值(其绝对值在渐增)来判定测试电路是否有足够产生所需涌入电流的能力。
DVB.1.8 作为开关负载的钨丝灯应含有最小可能的灯数,其标准额定功率不超过500W。如果每个灯的额定功率都超过500W,少用些灯是可以接受的。操作循环应该是每个测试周期中灯至少关55s。如果开关以1分钟10周期的速度操作,至少有10组灯被1个转向器控制,该转向器在测试中被用作每组灯的开关。
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