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楼主: 小山

[IEC标准产品] EN 60335-1  22.42 保护阻抗短路、开路测试

发表于 2008-9-27 16:18 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-9-27 17:10 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-27 17:32 | 显示全部楼层
引用第11楼ajay于2008-09-27 17:10发表的  :) C8 m7 Z. a( x2 J" B
发表于 2008-10-2 19:07 | 显示全部楼层
在IEC 60335-1 cl 22.42中,必须有两个Y电容,而不管你是Y2,还是Y1电容,在正常与非正常时(即短路一个Y电容),都要符合cl 8.1.4.这是家电标准与其它标准不同处之一,比如在IEC 60950-1中,就允许用一个Y1电容跨在初次级两端。
发表于 2008-10-3 17:48 | 显示全部楼层
引用第12楼小山于2008-09-27 17:32发表的  :3 q! X  g. q! D, H4 c0 p
/ e& f, \& {/ w4 J1 i
有啊,做过开关电源的医疗和IT设备认证.9 I1 L) v  O4 `. K" [$ E
 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-7 16:48 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-8 15:22 | 显示全部楼层
0 l) J3 E4 c5 |# ~
8 m6 _" _2 y; YRegarding problem 5, (Clause 22.42), this appears to be a problem of misunderstanding. I will attempt to explain the problem below.
0 B4 ~  y. N+ [; c  Q0 V& a/ t2 S9 t9 u" d
  j; I. ]. T; d% M

! ~# R3 U2 B2 o( F! |Please find below a copy of clause 22.42. You will note that there are two assessable items, shown in bullet points.8 w% g" p6 `: l, w6 A

* p6 g$ j2 [- t( p( _ 2 ^$ Q& g* p6 U2 R3 ]% R

9 C, t- }* }, X3 K* M' |, UClause 22.42      
, B0 h4 I9 |& n) ~8 x( l0 {/ J* b% v6 j& u
                                            i.        Protective impedance shall consist of at least two separate components whose impedance is unlikely to change significantly during the lifetime of the appliance. + \! F# F0 N$ Y, q7 S
* D2 \3 w8 [5 ^# @' L8 J  L
                                           ii.        If any one of the components is short-circuited or open-circuited the values specified in 8.1.4 shall not be exceeded.8 r+ t5 q- @& j) s% P
( R/ w/ G3 Z! W6 U9 E" O. X
NOTE Resistors complying with test a) of subclause 14.1 of IEC 60065 and class Y capacitors complying with IEC 60384-14 are considered to be components having a sufficiently stable impedance.0 s7 n. z  [! v" C# _. S% F

4 D& [" Y; H' m; k4 V3 r) s
- c) b  s  T9 f0 w5 a
5 [' S6 G1 A- W6 b) M. s* qThe first bullet point (i) says that the value of the capacitors must remain stable during the life of the capacitor. # e: ^2 R5 F- q7 {: }
( \& A$ _0 O2 j/ }5 R
The second bullet point  (ii) says that, even though they are stable capacitors, if one of the capacitors should fail, the other capacitor should be capable of providing the required protection alone. ; k4 B% K, ^' d1 g1 w

7 m( a" z# W. q9 V2 C( Q1 KThis is also the reason for the requirement of having two separate components.
% a1 I* U) V* n* i" K9 S- |7 _( {+ {1 k  F+ X5 L4 f

9 n' ?6 ?* X; H8 ^; @+ [# S* y
$ x3 k2 z$ ~3 t) N0 tThe test report shows that the chargers meet the requirements of point (i), and it appears rather than fail point (ii) they have assessed it a s not required. This is incorrect. This testing will need to be completed.
发表于 2008-10-9 15:25 | 显示全部楼层
3 Z) @) z, V2 v8 K! N如果是Y2,的确是要2个独*立的元件6 Z3 r' |4 {3 N, Z4 c+ j
! r9 T" o3 x1 `* {9 P2 ]我不知道你指的是哪个机构,但TUV应该是没有问题的.
& |' k/ V2 l4 N: C再看IEC60335中19.11.2:
5 e; h) d5 B: Z+ x1 p% V3 s! ]c) short circuit of capacitors, unless they comply with IEC 60384-14;
发表于 2008-10-9 15:51 | 显示全部楼层
LS的可以对“如果是Y2,的确是要2个独*立的元件” 说明出处吗?
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