, _( D& g- e; i( T9 c预计2008年11月出台IEC 62321作为RoHS的标准。该标准一旦被纳入CB体系,成员将可以出具STR(注:一种证书的格式)。
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! n3 u' R+ k3 T/ ?RoHS终于可以在技术层面走出各行其是的混乱局面了,希望从此中国的产品可以逐步避免标准不统一带来的重复检测和无效检测,中国的企业可以逐步享受互认带来的检测成本降低,虽然还只是天边的一线曙光而已...
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9 r+ M7 A* U9 N' f* |2 }! ?% X# p==========================================
3 A1 ?! A+ o, O2 K7 B2008-11-05: RoHS - Statement of Test Results (STR) # s; @1 l4 n. X. U1 J; {
: x! D6 J% T2 M; ^; f a r6 p$ _! K% ?/ j
As per the CMC decision 42/2008, the CBTC on-line system has been modified to include the Statement of Test Results for the soon to be published RoHS standard IEC 62321 (publication foreseen for the end of November 2008). Therefore, as soon as this standard has been added to the CB Scheme and the already submitted scope extensions have been granted, IECEE members will be able to proceed in issuing the Statement of Test Results - STRs - as per the below CMC decision: # e$ ~+ w9 y; T* E' Y
7 l- y, G) x% J+ g% V9.11 WG 20 Hazardous Substances# [7 N3 S. A4 |0 S2 {% }
4 h$ b: u2 l* y6 n$ V
The Convenor of WG 20, Jukka VUORINEN, reported on the development of the WG assignments and summarized the five recommendations as detailed in doc. IECEE-CMC/801A/INF and IECEE-CMC/801A/RCMC and requested the CMC to approve the Operational Procedure for the reporting service of HS, .the dedicated HS Test Report Form and the Statement of Test Results template as per A1, A2 and A3 of the WG Report.
9 `& q: E! L5 \# Q' a3 g7 c+ M6 P1 Y, u* K! J7 d7 s: [
He also requested that the CMC could approve the elements as detailed under A4 of the WG Report, to be part of the future public area of the IECEE On-line system and concluded informing that the applications to the Secretariat to become Issuing NCB/CBTL for HS have started in December 2007, however, the effective testing can only start once the IEC 62321 has been published. Q: y/ t9 ]3 A9 x" v/ W
$ v- A6 G1 G. C3 C( IThe Convenor informed that WG 19 has a good relationship with TC 111 and that at this point in time nothing shows that there is overlapping between IECEE WG 20 and IEC TC 111, that a Market study on HS services is developed and that to properly start with this new activity, the development of a tailored database is necessary where the Manufacturer of end-equipment could select the amount of parts and material from the database after which the database would output a table of levels with a link to the STR抯. He recognized that developing such tailored a database would generate some cost that will have yet to be evaluated after the meeting he would have in Geneva IEC C.O. with the Secretary and the IEC IT Expert.
* u* S8 P* P' A3 d
9 G" B! E$ d" N2 B& r' S6 tWith the explanations that were provided by the Report, the Canadian delegation felt that their comments and concerns were covered.
5 D& v+ T3 J5 K) t2 b* y# _! ]# `3 f$ c7 B& M, }/ t
Answering a technical comment from the Norwegian delegation pertaining to the competence of the laboratory staff seeking scope extension in Hazardous Substances it was answered that non-destructive x-ray or screening methods need the expertise of chemical engineers to properly interpret the screening test and determine the need for wet chemical testing. It was agreed that written comments shall be forwarded to WG 20 and that the issue will be tabled at the next WG 20 meeting. It was also agreed that the recently set CTL ETF Hazardous Substances shall be consulted for technical advice as needed.
& f6 O$ s5 s& F" x3 V" e! y4 D6 R m$ J. A/ E$ q6 B' U
DECISION 42/2008: The CMC approved the elements as detailed under A1, A2 and A3 and supported the recommendations as detailed under A4 and A5 with the concurrence of the IECEE Secretariat and IEC IT department to analyse the extent of the database development and correlated costs. |