2008年43周23号公告分析 – EN 603350 O) A7 k. T! H. C7 \! w& u
q& j+ C. M! r# T0 D9 g, y
4 ]. C' \0 w2 I公告产品是一种动物立体造型、会发出牛叫声的多士炉,公告的缺陷有三点:
& c+ p0 a+ e9 S+ _1. 动物造型,并且会发出动物叫声,因而有可能被儿童视为玩具。) K/ R( v) E- j
2. 电源线没有固定装置。- {8 |# ^7 Y, A" \
3. 缺乏适当的安全警告。1 ]# r8 u+ ?( s' R& b/ ^6 _
; `; J% ~4 C P& X; Z' M+ e- F分析:, e+ m @' w0 u; m. X2 O0 R- b ^
解决第2、3点并不难,关键是第1点。虽然有"this product is not a toy and must be leftunattended in the presence ofchildren"的声明,并不能从本质上消除对儿童存在的潜在危险。对于此类产品,使用警告方式作为防护手段,是有许多前提条件的,并且即使满足这些前提条件,依然存在被某些机构挑战的可能。/ o8 Q9 }5 ^7 o5 r; K5 \- U. t
7 \8 e1 |1 Y& ]7 k$ R, u& e1 e
3 Q$ Z3 J& b+ v X# i4 G4 Y6 h, l' B4 S+ E# U
) x3 }% v: `" W6 x- A==========================
9 [5 O4 C. Q F* ^; z- M7 _公告原文:
* _8 C1 h6 Y& V# Z. G* {# Ohttp://ec.europa.eu/consumers/dy ... rapex.cfm?rx_id=208
2 |- X* H* t. A5 L3 j0 F8 X7 U( D* q/ j
23-1252/08 Cyprus p; O& @2 a- v" T/ c6 {( G
. v" X' c g* |( h8 X( I; BCategory: Electrical appliances
' d. x6 {. q# d2 EProduct: Toaster – Daisy, electric toaster with sound
3 I: q6 i! {- G; T+ yBrand: Breville
: N' M1 A# b6 G9 D# R' VType/number of model: Model: BREVILLE TR13S Bar code: 5011773015790
3 V r0 ~# G5 l5 F9 ]! NDescription: The electric toaster has a colour cover, a sound and is inthe shape of a cow. It has a rated power of 500 W with voltage 230-240V and a frequency of 50 Hz. Packaging is marked: "this product is not atoy and must be left unattended in the presence of children".' m* `3 D: x* E$ c+ S
Country of origin: United Kingdom
6 o# |1 g! A4 m# B+ V; ]5 Q1 u$ v- X3 K
* T G6 y5 u( [4 J d4 ^Electric shock and burns 1 m! Z5 d* G: R. e" E; H+ q6 f
The product poses a risk of electric shock and burns because:
" A+ t+ f3 z- j- t% O; B" H- it has a cow-shaped enclosure, is decorated as a cow and emits a moosound meaning that it is likely to be treated as a toy by children,
x. X5 t% ?! @' I4 v( u- there is no supply cord anchorage,- j$ L+ {+ b. T7 T q# F3 b
- proper warnings for hot surfaces are missing.0 }9 L! Q, F* Y5 ]9 [& Q- K- G9 Y
5 B; d, K. K/ r- n- d1 C+ Z+ ?结论:
$ M$ r0 L" W" @7 h, Z1 J S* Q0 QThe product does not comply with the Low Voltage Directive and therelevant European standard EN 60335. Sales ban ordered by theauthorities. |