/ ^! ?# _! S' f. p' j; F1 A* v3 f. ]! s; T; O
5 i4 I# Z7 g5 p) L8 E, W公告原文: ' z3 E0 f' X3 S8 `& w- M
http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/dy ... rapex.cfm?rx_id=212
+ \. b$ K. ~" l/ j( ]8 E7 H8 | }5 D! H, E6 V
6-3163/08 Hungary
. e6 G s. |0 x- e1 @8 b! c产品:. y! B/ F+ I& l R. w
Category: Electrical appliances
: l3 |# g, c: w) N* M) S S% pProduct: Multifunctional kitchen appliance
7 e6 O, v$ `- BBrand: MAGIC BULLET
* M9 q; C( }1 u X; UType/number of model: Unknown
! o0 b6 e( ^, K$ o" O. D9 S1 A9 HDescription: The appliance includes a basic unit and accessories (blender, grinder and fruit extractor). Main components: electric motor, (Sundi HC5440 220V, 50(60) Hz; thermal switch, (KSD301-9700, 15A, 250V, 110°C); mains supply cord, (CCC AOO3359 Ruiashi Huianqiu Qiaxsiandianlan Youxiangongsi 227IEC 52(RVV) 300/300V 2×0.5mm2 Yingwu); mains plug, (2.5A 250V~).0 p _5 a0 A+ d: p+ g7 E: O6 X
Country of origin: China
* b+ {$ B- U) t o: l& F2 K; u Y1 _* `- R
, I, y+ P& P a# iElectric shock . T" {' w% c2 ~% A4 [) P1 s4 M
The product poses a risk of electric shock since during normal use the liquid can get onto the live terminals of the motor through the wires inside the appliance.
! ]. a3 H4 ^: K6 oThe product does not comply with the Low Voltage Directive and the relevant European standard EN 60335.
4 P) q% E+ \+ A5 b/ v* g/ b
, y1 x7 {, u8 {! F. x结论:
5 Q: V, T8 T$ v0 A6 f3 z: UWithdrawal from the market and recall from consumers ordered by the authorities; w; e. J4 f2 j' U3 d+ ~2 K" M
) F+ f" b! s) N( g
. R/ e: H B( l3 e* s. m* C该产品由公告给出的缺陷很简单,只有一条:实际就是耐潮湿要求中的防溢水不合格。
3 M0 S O- g# l9 Y3 H4 t产品内部结构,没有图片,无法知道。如果有带电端子在电源进线下放的话,的确溢水试验容易不过。但需要讨论的问题不在此,而在于标准15.2这一条本身,或者说针对这一条如何理解和判定。首先将这一条摘录如下:( s$ m. j0 ^3 }
15.2 Appliances subject to spillage of liquid in normal use shall be constructed so that such
8 X5 x% m( `; y7 ispillage does not affect their electrical insulation.( m8 O! _' q! \5 r3 A
Compliance is checked by the following test.- P n+ b; J' N3 `* I0 b( c
Appliances with type X attachment, except those having a specially prepared cord, are fitted
! o2 K: [+ I% Z. i) N; Nwith the lightest permissible type of flexible cord of the smallest cross-sectional area specified9 V6 E0 U8 L) J; k- ?1 |) n
in table 13." y6 l" e' y) n; Q" r% `
Appliances incorporating an appliance inlet are tested with or without an appropriate
6 p+ l+ t' b7 v$ r/ |& r+ h! ^connector in position, whichever is most unfavourable.! {. F% x# R' o) {. ^9 |0 O
Detachable parts are removed.4 r& e: w. a( p) @: f B
The liquid container of the appliance is completely filled with water containing approximately
9 J0 f- g* F8 l- U5 U. |& a0 L1 % NaCl and a further quantity, equal to 15 % of the capacity of the container or 0,25 l,
! a7 _. B0 u* i( c% xwhichever is the greater, is poured in steadily over a period of 1 min.
3 J4 c! l' I3 }8 @/ l8 c9 fThe appliance shall then withstand the electric strength test of 16.3 and inspection shall show( M& a$ T6 M6 o$ @7 l( _
that there is no trace of water on insulation that could result in a reduction of clearances or
0 Z" m4 I" u5 n, X1 r4 W6 lcreepage distances below the values specified in clause 29.
- ?" D& z6 n3 q' gGB4706.1对应条款是:) H4 l8 `6 D" N2 q5 w8 y6 S
15.2 在正常使用中能够承受液体溢出的器具,其结构要能使这种溢出的液体不会影响器具的电气绝缘。
4 z4 S% n( e0 U9 j* g0 U! U% F通过下述试验确定其是否合格。: o2 C/ V( R! S' j5 e" {
带X 型连接的器具,除带有专门制备软线的器具外,其他都应装有表13中规定的最小横截面积允许的最轻型柔性软线。; n" E5 p. M+ n, ~# S5 Q% P
带有器具输人插口的器具,可将相配用的连接器插装到位,或不插装连接器进行试验,两者中取最不利者。 }& m! A' U( W5 k4 ~
取下器具上的可拆卸部件。3 D' T( z( m" M
将器具的液体容器用约含1%氯化钠(NaC1)的水溶液充满,然后,再用等于容器容量的15%,或是0.2 5L 同浓度多余1%氯化钠(NaCl)水溶液,两者中取量多者,在1min时间内持续地注人容器。 W; Y1 h' T9 g) e8 o# q2 \
然后,器具应经受16.3 的电气强度试验,并且视检应表明在绝缘上没有能导致爬电距离和电气间隙降低到低于第29章中规定限值的水迹。
3 ^5 Y8 c& _% r. a; h) m' d$ e0 A2 `; g
现在的问题是:对该条款的符合性是通过如标准所说的“Compliance is checked by the following test通过试验来确定,还是通过试验+分析来确定?
% d, |$ Y$ C+ f% x, _
( v% h, {% S6 o" M1 o4 G 问题的提出在于本条款的溢水试验在很多情况下会出现随机性,即试验的水量是有限的,每次试验由于器具放置环境(如水平面的偏差,角度的不同),液体注入角度、注入速度等变化,水流溢出的流向可能是随机的;同一型号产品不同的样品,试验的情况也会不同。如本例,如果试验,液体可能会流到带电端子上,但并不是一定会流到带电端子上。甚至在多次试验中,更多次是不会的。就标准从严的角度说,有这种可能就应该视为不合格;但从试验的角度或从发生争议的角度去看,如果试验时前面所预期的可能没有发生(溢出液体并没有流到带电端子上),那该如何看待呢?或者是试验就应当不断重复下去,直到这种可能发生!
! {# }6 ?6 h6 d1 H
+ `" E: I& m9 A- C 当然如果本例在试验中 溢出液体一定会流到带电端子(the liquid will get onto the live terminals)或出现标准本条规定的不符合,则不存在争议。 |
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