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[产品召回] RAPEX公告分析Lighting equipment---1482/08(起夜灯)

发表于 2008-12-24 13:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Category: Lighting equipment
3 ~; X$ z# W" X$ ^Product: Disney Magic Night Light 6 {$ o8 `) Q& d3 o6 r
        9 v4 q" |' z5 y* R" s6 q
Brand: Dr. Light' I! h6 {/ s! T1 G: E
Type/number of model: JY003-01, E14, on sticker: Art. Nr. 4872, EAN code: 5998250348728, on pack: 31706007612000
) ~- u) J7 B! Q5 k7 {2 m$ u: s0 Y, u8 k' I7 v/ W) C  F
Description: Night light with a switch and a semi-circular lampshade decorated with Disney characters. The product is marked "Good Night, Dr. Light", CE mark, Made in China, 230V, "WARNING! MAGIC NIGHT LIGHT IS NOT A TOY!"
; ]/ G$ w: y, \; C9 l6 G8 Y# c1 m4 Y+ C! S0 a- T
Country of origin: China
3 `% @5 J/ R# q  b. o3 [5 T# N# Z* a0 V
Danger:' m$ Z9 F9 e0 k. Q- |
6 A) t  x. d  h4 P
Electric shock $ }& M# J$ L3 `$ {! \/ \

5 R  v3 x/ t* I  K5 PThe product poses a risk of electric shock because the cover is not fixed with special screws, the base and the cover are not firmly connected and the cover can break, giving access to the light source.
) W! G8 ^& v4 d2 T7 A- S. O7 x/ y- A. H
The product does not comply with the Low Voltage Directive and the relevant European standard EN 60598.
5 E, Y6 z7 x% c, r; I) A. ^, m6 C: O
Measures adopted by notifying country:" K2 W4 w' ?6 Z) E
Sales ban, withdrawal from the market and recall from consumers ordered by the authorities./ T8 `$ q0 u9 O% k

& i" H5 u8 P7 Thttp://ec.europa.eu/consumers/dyna/rapex/create_rapex.cfm?rx_id=215& j8 j3 M4 J% a& e

6 z; |% H! f8 B: m* o/ D0 ^6 L' H2008年12月19日,欧盟委员会非食品类快速预警系统(RAPEX)对中国产“Dr. Light”牌起夜灯发出消费者警告。本案的通报国为斯洛伐克,送检样品的条形码编码为5998250348728。该商品为带有开关的起夜灯,半圆形的灯罩上印有迪斯尼卡通形象。在外包装上注明通过CE认证,规格为230V,并标有“WARNING! MAGIC NIGHT LIGHT IS NOT A TOY!”的字样。% _; |/ O. s9 _( E/ O  n
, _! Q# T( N) c2 Y$ C7 I
该商品被通报的主要原因是灯罩没有用专门的螺钉固定,很容易与底座分开,使用者可能直接触及光源,造成漏电的危险。该商品不符合欧盟低压指令,以及欧盟相关标准EN 60598。6 ], e9 G2 N1 I& ?& e
' \+ R* u3 Y' {: p+ ^
目前,斯洛伐克政府已已下令禁止销售该商品,将其从市场上撤回,并召回已售出的商品。; n3 ~% Y' f0 x  p9 |! [

( y$ E  I, z, U: n$ i
: L6 t' p: B1 \5 m分析:( i- m, x: i' K% [0 `
根据EN60598-1 Sec 8.2.6,Covers and other parts providing protection against electric shock shall have adequate mechanical strength and shall be reliably secured so that they will not work loose with normal handling.( y! C2 ^$ Y; _8 `& g7 K3 T
For wall mounted luminaires, portable luminaires, and adjustable luminaires where covers$ m1 {8 U! z# M' f- X
whose fixing is not dependent on screws and whose removal is obtained by applying a force in* @! C+ w- g6 o: r
an approximately perpendicular direction to the mounting/supporting surface shall comply with
+ k% r7 B/ C  G, Y( o6 `7 l+ J- z% @/ c% Ethe following test:
1 q$ I" C7 l. ^/ r& fA force is applied approximately perpendicular to the mounting/supporting surface. The force
9 f) g) E2 n/ X7 hshall be 20 N when the opening of the cover will give access to basic insulated parts and 80 N
! m' T4 h& m3 ?when live parts will be accessible.
: W. W9 p( Y5 ~# A' `
* {9 Y" J. v, r6 n' ~7 p根据标准要求拆除灯罩的力应该是垂直于mounting surface,事件中只是说易于分开,不明确。/ q2 |9 }: D: `9 b$ G


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发表于 2008-12-24 13:41 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-12-25 23:25 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-1-9 14:04 | 显示全部楼层
the cover is not fixed with special screws, the base and the cover are not firmly connected and the cover can break, giving access to the light source
9 w9 V. B. E; M' q+ n灯罩没有用特殊螺钉固定?灯罩做冲击(或滚桶跌落)试验,灯罩破裂,可触及光源,按标准的说法,光源是允许触及的,但其他带电部件应不可触及。如果灯罩是作为一层绝缘的话,冲击试验后如果破裂,那是不允许的。7 n8 F9 l1 K2 o# Q+ h4 H0 y

1 R% U) d! Y, Y5 B, W4 Y+ K% k# S8.2.1 Luminaires shall be so constructed that their live parts are not accessible when the
- U% p5 G1 ^6 w7 \5 bluminaire has been installed and wired as in normal use, and when it is opened as necessary; a- P' J/ A6 F# [0 V, H# M8 |5 p# s% `
for replacing lamps or (replaceable) starters, even if the operation cannot be achieved by hand.
: b& p2 f5 b& q- [" eBasic insulated parts shall not be used on the outer surface of the luminaire without% L& }/ C# n6 V. G: p" L# @
appropriate protection against accidental contac
发表于 2009-2-2 15:43 | 显示全部楼层
"Danger: The product poses a risk of electric shock because the cover is not fixed with special      screws, the base and the cover are not firmly connected and the cover can break, giving access   to the light source"
6 D* \+ y; B% X6 m
% s8 K% {7 t  }" g+ S( s根据描述,产品出现三个方面的问题:8 l3 c5 L7 R( L- i* U' D1 u5 z
  w8 \7 U4 J4 Z' n2,外壳和底座没有有效固定连接.; ]3 _% ]7 t( I9 O: Q
0 f1 i2 `2 y3 m6 r* x
, F7 V' T3 _: O* i* ~4 r5 _我个人觉得楼主对标准的理解没有问题,只是施力大小可能有差异.20N还是80 N需要看实际样品,      图片无法判断.描述是不够具体,能触碰到光源就是这些缺陷造成的后果吗?如果是,那就很牵强了,       光源不一定是带电部件啊.这个产品的外壳拆开后,带电部件是否可触摸的呢?依据这个来判断才能   令人信服.如果拆开外壳或是外壳容易破损,带电部件还是被双重绝缘包围,那就你外壳破就破呗,理   都别理.' q2 i( ]( l+ O
发表于 2009-4-27 22:56 | 显示全部楼层
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