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楼主: honseng

[行业新闻] 玩具行业最新信息

发表于 2009-2-18 15:41 | 显示全部楼层
Sellers will not be immune from prosecution if CPSC's Office of Compliance finds that someone had actual knowledge that one of these children's products contained more than 600 ppm lead or continued to make, import, distribute or sell such a product after being put on notice. Agency staff will seek recalls of violative children's products or other corrective actions, where appropriate.9 n# G" s- T  N) Z* e% W- a" P
( p& B1 e* e8 u+ @
*Issue an interim final rule effective February 10, 2009, which establishes alternative lead limits for certain electronic devices, in order to prevent unnecessary removal of certain children's products from store shelves.* ~& O+ i' K4 W( K! u/ A& v& V. r
+ a/ E5 |' t7 g) T7 Z. Q& B
*Accept a manufacturer's determination that a lead-containing part on their product is inaccessible to a child and not subject to the new lead limits, if it is consistent with the Commission's proposed guidance or is based on a reasonable reading of the inaccessibility requirement. Paint and other coatings or electroplating are not considered barriers that make a component inaccessible.
) O- w4 e, z, P6 {( \( z) k, g  N0 v9 A  @7 g6 Z
This enforcement policy will remain in effect until superseded by action of the Commission.
: A7 f8 s- g; q$ ]5 s
$ o% K- E2 C) w8 {- |" C: {CPSC still expects companies to meet their reporting obligation under federal law and immediately tell the Commission if they learn of a children's product that exceeds the new lead limits starting on February 10, 2009. Companies also should know that the CPSIA generally prohibits the export for sale of children's products that exceed the new lead limits
发表于 2009-2-18 15:42 | 显示全部楼层
As announced on January 30, 2009, the Commission approved a one year stay of enforcement for certain testing and certification requirements for manufacturers and importers. Significant to makers of children's products, the 'stay' provides limited relief from the testing and certification for total lead content limits, phthalates limits for certain products and mandatory toy standards. Manufacturers and importers - large and small - of children's products will not need to test or certify to these new requirements, but will still need to meet the lead and phthalates limits, mandatory toy standards and other requirements. Certification based on testing by an accredited laboratory is still required for painted children's products and soon will be required for children's metal jewelry, as well as certain other products for non-lead issues.
发表于 2009-2-18 15:43 | 显示全部楼层
CPSC Issues Guidance For Complying With Phthalates Requirements In New Child Safety Law
, r# z4 h- f. r6 P( e
  A( T( w& i- |# H* U  }WASHINGTON, D.C. - Starting on February 10, 2009, children's toys and child care articles cannot contain more that 0.1% of six phthalates (DEHP, DBP, BBP, DINP, DIDP, and DnOPA) regardless of when they were manufactured. The CPSC will abide by a court decision (pdf) issued yesterday ruling that the prohibition on phthalates in the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 applies to products in inventory. Phthalates are a group of chemicals (oily, colorless liquids) that are used among other things to make vinyl and other plastics soft and flexible.0 v% @0 ~/ n0 @
! T- R. s7 F' ^/ ]; Y5 J7 q% p' A. l
A "children's toy" is defined in the statute as a product intended for a child 12 years of age or younger for use when playing. The Commission has previously stated that it will follow the definition of toy in the mandatory toy standard which exempts such things as bikes, playground equipment, musical instruments, and sporting goods (except for their toy counterparts).
4 o% I5 t5 R6 I. E4 y+ i$ t
* P3 s4 J6 o, {& k/ j7 c" F" Z. CThe statute also prohibits phthalates over the limit in "child care articles," which include products that a child 3 and younger would use for sleeping, feeding, sucking or teething. By way of example, a pacifier/teether would be an item that would help a child with sucking or teething; a sippy cup would facilitate feeding; and a crib mattress would facilitate sleeping.
发表于 2009-2-18 15:44 | 显示全部楼层
Companies must meet their reporting obligation under federal law and immediately tell the Commission if they learn of a children's toy or child care article that exceeds the new phthalates limits starting on February 10, 2009. Companies also should know that the CPSIA generally prohibits the export for sale of children's products that exceed the new phthalates limits.
: P. M$ S8 E* r9 u) U) I5 Z
/ Y& |8 ~$ ^; ~8 S, j0 a7 K& x6 LThe agency will be issuing further guidance information next week.
发表于 2009-2-18 15:52 | 显示全部楼层
+ e/ }- g8 S, n3 c9 X, R
# J/ R9 I/ r6 b0 M/ y9 N" |7 H0 c  P' D# g8 q/ y+ L( H9 b; L
    欧盟新法规明确,DEHP(邻苯二甲酸二己酯)、DBP(邻苯二甲酸二丁酯)和BBP(邻苯二甲酸苯基丁酯)将被限制在所有儿童玩具和服装及其他物品所使用的PVC材料中使用;相应的DINP(邻苯二甲酸二异壬酯)、DIDP(邻苯二甲酸二异癸酯)和DNOP(邻苯二甲酸二辛酯)也限制在儿童玩具和服装及所有可能被放入口中的物品中使用;上述6种成分的含量不得超过0.1%,超过0.1%不得在欧盟市场出售。新法规所涉产品不仅包括36个月以下婴童的玩具、服装和护理品,还包括其他年龄段儿童使用的可能会被放进口中的所有物品。  E- Q/ O) g- ~" G# |  {; B

4 y, @3 }8 q, w2 g; f) H7 l! i& Q0 c1 A' o- o! R
    浙江省是全国最大的出口玩具生产基地之一,去年1至11月出口玩具29亿元人民币,出口欧盟约占三四成。出口欧盟玩具以智力玩具、填充的玩具动物和带动力装置的玩具及模型为主,大多玩具都由塑料组成,而邻苯二甲酸盐被广泛用于塑料玩具,难以符合欧盟标准,如果不采取应对措施,将损失惨重。- U+ E" _4 `1 t

2 M' p" H0 p5 W1 W0 g0 _. b
2 q1 j! D, ]) W8 V7 r3 Y5 @" ^
1 O0 u0 s+ Q/ J9 X  }* x) g来自:中华人民共和国商务部
发表于 2009-2-18 15:53 | 显示全部楼层
8 U+ H2 O5 G6 a  ^+ J
; R2 ~2 Y6 D/ l' [, w该人士称,“中国政府将对该事件发出严正抗议,如果印度的做法严重触犯WTO协议,违反其加入WTO时作出的承诺,中国政府或将印度上告至WTO争端解决机构(DSB)。”
. Y) t; M# R+ |* V
9 B% ?2 ?* ~( D$ H* [8 Q+ Q2月2日,在中国玩具出口集聚地广东汕头澄海,多家厂商表示,出口印度的玩具已无法入境。汕头市外经贸局李俊副局长走访企业时,有多个厂家向其反映出口印度玩具被限。* _/ Y" w/ r4 o( y2 I
% q4 {" h" z. s2 G8 W& Q* `
- ^, d- q5 e1 k6 R. Z1 f. C  E( T2 Q  S: q! f
- [- V1 r9 f+ D' r7 d! n, n2 {1 i8 Q$ h: \0 J- s* v
0 I) z) e5 q. ~* G; H# {+ Q9 I: i
  U' U, w, u, P* Z1 a“虽然印度不是我们出口的主要国家,但影响肯定存在,特别是对企业士气的消极影响。” 中国玩具协会副会长郭卓才表示,“但玩具行业的生产链很长,涉及纺织品、金属加工、塑料化工等20多个行业,中国玩具业经过近30年的发展,产业基础已经相当成熟,无论从原材料储备和加工技术,都不是一般国家可比。”+ a. M$ q" a- e! M  ?/ c9 Q

% [6 Q! B, f( d9 |9 u! }复旦大学法学院教授、WTO争端解决机构专家组专家董世忠就此事担心,随着经济衰退在世界范围逐步扩散,各国间更多的贸易壁垒将出现。(21世纪经济报道)
发表于 2009-2-18 16:29 | 显示全部楼层
引用第0楼honseng于2007-08-08 11:34发表的 玩具行业最新信息 :
) G5 j! J/ i+ A- y0 A/ g" N希望大家在后面跟贴提供有关玩具最新信息的资料和标准(谢绝与此无关的信息)!
: V( c' [& V  S, O* x7 {6 c1 x; D9 X3 L1 g
! h2 V/ B7 z3 ]
2 {! }/ ?9 _4 z希望能得到版主和大家的支持!$ M/ k! v7 `, E; B


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发表于 2009-2-23 09:37 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-2-23 17:20 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-2-23 17:22 | 显示全部楼层
2008年7月31日,美国国会通过消费品安全法案(H.R.4040),2008年8月14日 美国总统布什签署该法案, 应用范围是12岁以及以下的儿童产品,6 |2 t5 b0 A8 J/ `) l$ l% A" I
    重点7 S3 @+ l: s3 Q2 A0 M
    1.Sec.101:修改表面涂层总铅含量限值(16 CFR 1303.1) -现行: 0.06%(600ppm);修订后:0.009%(90ppm) 法规生效后1年后实施(2009年8月14日).3 |0 i9 h; C* n7 k
    2.Sec.101:对产品非表面涂层,即基材中的含铅量进行管控,规定可接触基材总铅限值:7 C! l# r1 I4 E& Q. D( c
    1.           0.06%(600ppm)法规生效后180天后实施(2009年2月10日);
/ t: a2 O5 J* _6 |, @    2.           0.03%(300ppm)  法规生效后1年后实施(2009年8月14日);5 D7 H% A* S6 P- [" ^
    3.           0.01%(100ppm)法规生效后3年后实施(2011年8月14日);
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