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[IEC标准产品] 关于电子式电暖器机是否必须加装械开关问题(EN 60335-2-30)

发表于 2009-2-11 12:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
在EN 60335-2-30 clause 22.109, 要求:2 o0 A9 T3 N  \2 e6 Z1 n
22.109  The  disconnection  of  the  supply  by a  switch  in  the  off  position  shall  not  rely on
3 u7 g: Q) x+ @% v2 [9 T) oelectronic components.
2 T# r! ]) v3 ?Compliance is checked by inspection. * X9 v: B6 c" [$ U

, u6 z! P: e$ c* H3 k根据此条, 对于电子式 (有electronic switch) 电暖器, 是否需要强制加装机械开关, 不同认证公司有不同见解: ' T6 l4 x9 v8 X* t# C8 B, ]* A, q

: k  Y- U- M: n* i) ^4 w& L7 R莱茵的看法是必须加装.
7 ?; L& p+ B' t$ W+ y6 m) }$ k  m5 U. @$ J# x" G
而有些实验室则有不同看法, 认为机械开关不是必须的, 前提是电子开关上不标示为"OFF"位.
4 V- ]. c2 @0 N# o4 K0 U
6 T4 Z/ Y$ f& M5 B$ p) e0 v/ y2 g& E
( e! D. V# v0 d1 r- y6 z
我个人赞成莱茵的见解, 如果此电子开关是通断电暖器工作电,进入待机状态, 不管有没有标识, 它都是担当着 Swich in the off position的作用, 从这点来看, 是需要满足22.109, 即必须加装机械开关.
1 e0 V& h* Q; W+ b% ~2 l
+ U- Q2 \. Z# ~6 n4 r2 V8 @3 G不知道大家看法如何.
发表于 2009-2-11 12:23 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-2-11 12:27 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-2-11 12:48 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-2-19 08:02 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-2-19 08:57 | 显示全部楼层
其它类型的电器产品,是否也有相类似的要求呢?; @  U1 G2 U5 t7 z# r0 l+ X2 A+ E
发表于 2012-5-17 09:53 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-5-17 18:19 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-5-18 00:43 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 山炮 于 2012-5-18 00:45 编辑
! i9 {9 U% s; I
wlsmsy 发表于 2012-5-17 18:19 1 C1 ?2 T7 p% x5 t

5 G& i, M- i' k: r/ y+ y+ T! D以下IEC家电主席的答疑:& f$ @7 v1 f8 `
In IEC60335-2-30 Section 30.101 states: "Basically, non-metallic materials formed by the fan heater enclosure should be fire." Broad meaning of the shell content, such as: there are some chassis and bottom heater, which did not install any electrical components within, but to play a supportive role in the working process equipment, there will not be have a "temperature", which also need to "flame" it?
' |7 s7 D. [; S" d% `8 wHow: For a "heating" function of the air conditioner standards: IEC-60335-2-40, why there isn’t this request?  
" x9 w8 B) R$ l9 T* |0 O  F0 BWhat’s the original intention of the specification 30.101 in IEC 60335-2-30?  
) X/ F% D6 Q" h4 Y在IEC60335-2-30第30.101条规定:“基本上由非金属材料构成的风扇式加热器的外壳应能耐燃”。外壳的内涵含义广泛,如:有一些加热器的底盘和底盖,其内没有安装任何电气部件,只是起支撑作用,在器具工作过程中,也不会有产生“温升”,这还需要“阻燃”吗?9 F) h% }. c! z9 {0 l
5 G% ?8 c$ I- b+ A2 S$ \8 \制定IEC60335-2-30第30.101条要求的“初衷”和“用意”是什么?5 K) K8 V. }; L4 b  E/ `. U; m5 Y
Field experience has shown that the fire risk introduced by the heating function of an air-conditioner is much less than the fire risk introduced by Fan heaters having an enclosure of substantially non-metallic material; v( y+ j: ~8 k8 ]0 ]
Fan heaters having an enclosure of substantially non-metallic material have been the cause of many fires and have been subject to product recalls around the world. The intention of 30.101 was to try of reduce the fire hazard due to fan heaters.  TC 61 is introducing much more onerous test requirements Fan heaters having an enclosure of substantially non-metallic material because the current requirements are not sufficient.
( D1 f4 Q. r+ c) H试验表明制热功能的空调器引起火灾的风险要远低于全非金属外壳风扇式加热器引起火灾的风险。5 f1 N, G+ ^, m$ }8 Z) F" r+ s
! c) p( V- q3 B9 j: w


参与人数 1安规金币 +20 收起 理由
craigyu + 20 太清楚了!


发表于 2012-6-21 16:52 | 显示全部楼层
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