" G- [, P% ]! `1 }3 OEvenflo ExerSaucer Triple Fun Stationary Activity Center
% v# h' w. t# v! b, yDate: 18/03/2009! S: C& g3 T! {, d7 V
Supplier Name: Roger Armstrong Nursery Furniture
* j* `! @( i/ v, l4 Z) pProduct Info: Model Number 6231711. UPC Number 032884142675. The activity centers were manufactured between October 2006 and December 2008 and were imported between December 2006 and November 2008.
: N3 k4 D% w: D+ o6 JDefect Details: When the product is used as an activity table (Stage 3), the cap at one end of the table can loosen and fall off, posing a fall hazard to a child leaning or pulling up on the end cap.* ]# F7 }* c( t$ n1 W& z; S! i* N
Consumer action: To correct the problem, Evenflo has manufactured a repair kit that is simple to install when the Triple Fun is used in its stage 3 configuration. Please contact Roger Armstrong Nursery Furniture to arrange for delivery of your ExerSaucer Triple Fun Repair Kit on Free Call 1800 062 484 or Service.ra@bigpond.com
0 A4 T% j0 l: L# K" NMarket Coverage: National
F) |- Y6 N* TRecall Coverage: National
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Evenflo ExerSaucer Triple Fun Stationary Activity Center* Y8 F* O* k* a: ?/ h8 \
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The Product Safety Section of the ACCC has overall policy responsibility for monitoring the conduct and outcomes of consumer goods safety recalls in Australia
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