巴西/阿根廷/乌拉圭/巴拉圭现行玩具标准 , g( s. L7 ]) T( c. z: S0 a2 r' ?# a$ O
$ g4 D! ?2 t7 r' e! l7 n G
/ w+ l# u1 C: R0 u
1 }8 S$ s" C( ?3 D8 z( ~
7 r3 S$ y) ~" ]# }# D3 |( b( R$ y* W' s
% L( Q2 [, R/ E4 J1 ~% ?( _9 I, m9 P1、MERCOSUR Resolution N 23/04 Technical Standard on Toy Safety7 D3 S Z# S. g: `
0 _( o0 m5 f/ W: k) p2、NM 300-1 Safety of toys Part 1: General, mechanical and physical properties . H3 f% V# {) K
玩具安全要求第一部分 机械,物理功能
% ]2 x9 D1 x3 } _3、NM 300-2 Safety of toys Part 2: Inflammability7 f. o' }& U% b( @
玩具安全要求第二部分 燃烧性能$ ~$ Q! O8 K: z0 r+ b) O
4、NM 300-3 Safety of toys Part 3: Migration of Certain Elements. {4 K0 C) p' k; f) n2 C; c
玩具安全要求第三部分 某些元素迁移. M9 F2 W9 {8 K; f5 l- U# T
5、NM 300-4 Safety of toys Part 4: Safety of toys. Part 4: Chemical Games of experiments and related activities' K: X* P. W" D
玩具安全要求第四部分 化学实验玩具3 t. v; K. b( i2 K! T0 O
6、NM 300-5 Safety of toys Part 5: Safety of toys. Part 5: Chemical games except games of experiments
$ N% ]& V8 M% C) u8 e2 {) T0 v: b, ] 玩具安全要求第五部分 非实验用化学玩具 w% d, }& p, y5 ]
7、NM 300-6 Safety of toys Part 6: Safety of toys. Part 6: Safety of electric toys 玩具安全要求第六部分 电子玩具安全
! Y' F c0 ^6 M t$ S% _, _
7 m7 ^% ]5 x4 f# T) V6 |- U( I2 J; A
巴西特有:# f8 }$ U8 C6 Q" n$ L' R
INMETRO (The National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality) Administrative Rule 369 |