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[玩具召回] CARS Fleece Clog Children Shoes Sold Exclusively at Wal-Mart Recalled  D

发表于 2009-4-13 09:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Name of product: CARS Fleece Clog Children抯 Shoes
# C. |* n" \9 A6 a2 XUnits: About 73,000 distributed in the United States and 18,000 distributed in Canada
3 f* |; f8 ^; L6 |* O1 vImporter: Wal-Mart Stores Inc., of Bentonville, Ark.
# b3 h  h9 A. [8 D; y" tDistributor: Pagoda International Footwear Ltd., of Hong Kong
1 v) d' w" I6 k- ?7 {  BHazard: The shoe has four decorative wheels that can detach, posing a choking hazard to young children.+ k3 `: m2 ^0 v& m6 n
Incidents/Injuries: The firm has received one report of a decorative wheel detaching from the shoe. No injuries have been reported.
: J3 O- Z& N3 r8 F0 VDescription: This recall involves the Buster Brown & Co. 揅ARS?fleece clog children抯 shoes. The shoe is a red plastic molded clog with fleece lining and is designed to resemble a car. They were sold in infant sizes 4 to 6 and toddler sizes 7 to 11. The infant-size shoes have a strap in the back. Each side of the shoe has two red and black decorative wheels and the number ?5? 揃uster Brown & Co.?and 揇isney?are printed on a tag sewn inside the shoe.
& t8 E, M" Z" z5 u1 r" iSold exclusively at: Wal-Mart stores in the United States and Canada from September 2008 through March 2009 for between $6 and $10 (U.S.) and for about $13 (CAN).8 [: R$ a# a* Q5 D
Manufactured in: China
2 s( @3 |1 c% y2 u0 p' [4 v" S; IRemedy: Customers should immediately take this product away from children and return it to the nearest Wal-Mart store for a full refund.
( b1 P2 l/ i) a4 |2 `% \" C- K3 y; |. K) J; r2 n9 I- L4 S

# Q- i; ?# F2 n; m, x7 S% tCARS Fleece Clog,Toddler Sizes 7-116 A% k0 D! N$ ?5 A4 I3 }5 n$ g

6 P( d7 S; }6 o7 j
/ G% P$ g# z  a8 _) QCARS Fleece Clog, Infant Sizes 4-6  T: x- H4 o/ F- _- F; _/ P
( Q1 d9 z9 R5 O0 V
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